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Posts posted by MidtownCoog

  1. Citykid, you may be wrong though. Look at Miami:

    Some whites interviewed say they know they may seem like "whiners," as one woman put it, but they feel they are not being met halfway by the newcomers, and this is an especially acute feeling in Miami, where Cuban Americans and other immigrants from Latin America now dominate the political landscape, serving as city and county mayors and council members. Both of Miami's representatives to Congress are Cuban Americans.

  2. Well, can't find the NY Times, but here is a smiliar article on from the Washington Post.


    Today, the United States is experiencing its second great wave of immigration, a movement of people that has profound implications for a society that by tradition pays homage to its immigrant roots at the same time it confronts complex and deeply ingrained ethnic and racial divisions.

    This shift, according to social historians, demographers and others studying the trends, will severely test the premise of the fabled melting pot, the idea, so central to national identity, that this country can transform people of every color and background into "one America."

    Just as possible, they say, is that the nation will continue to fracture into many separate, disconnected communities with no shared sense of commonality or purpose. Or perhaps it will evolve into something in between, a pluralistic society that will hold on to some core ideas about citizenship and capitalism, but with little meaningful interaction among groups.

    One study of the children of immigrants, conducted six years ago among young Haitians, Cubans, West Indians, Mexican and Vietnamese in South Florida and Southern California, suggests the parents are not alone in their concerns.

    Asked by researchers Alejandro Portes and Ruben Rumbauthow how they identified themselves, most chose categories of hyphenated Americans. Few choose "American" as their identity.

    Then there was this

  3. Oh, but it is about being PC. I wish I could find the NY Times essay on the Melting Pot vs. The Stew.

    Have you ever heard of the Great Melting Pot? Libertiy and immigrants.

    That's what America was built upon. But now, we far too often encougare everyone to do their own thing and live in their own little world, pretending that the WASP work ethic that this nation was founded upon is some evil notion.


    From School House Rock:

    My grandmother came from Russia,

    A satchel on her knee;

    My grandfather had his father's cap

    He brought from Italy.

    They'd heard about a country

    Where life might let them win,

    They paid the fare to America

    And there they melted in.

    Lovely Lady Liberty,

    With her book of recipes,

    And the finest one she's got

    Is the great American meltin' pot.

    The great American meltin' pot.

    {America was founded by the English.}

    {But also by the Germans, Dutch and French.}

    {The principle still sticks, Our heritage is mixed.}

    {So any kid can be the president!}

    You simply melt right in,

    It doesn't matter what your skin.

    It doesn't matter where you're from,

    Or your religion,

    You jump right in

    To the great American meltin' pot.

    Great American meltin' pot

    Ooh what a stew,

    Red white and blue.

    America was the new world,

    And Europe was the old.

    America was the land of hope,

    Or so the legend told.

    On steamboats by the millions,

    In search of honest pay,

    Those 19th-century immigrants sailed

    To reach the U.S.A.

    Lovely Lady Liberty

    With her book of recipes

    And the finest one she's got

    Is the great American melting pot.

    The great Anerican melting pot.

    What good ingredients:

    Liberty and immigrants.

    They brought their countries' customs,

    Their language and their ways.

    They filled the factories,

    Tilled the soil,

    Helped build the U.S.A.

    Go on and ask your Grandma,

    Hear what she has to tell,

    How great to be an American

    And something else as well.

    Lovely Lady Liberty

    With her book of recipes

    And the finest one she's got

    Is the great American meltin' pot.

    The great American meltin' pot.

    The great American meltin' pot.

    The great American meltin' pot.

    The great American meltin' pot.

    The great American meltin' pot.

    The great American meltin' pot...

  4. Anything???? Easy, now. . .

    Agree. I am starting to think y'all are smoking crack. It's a freaking Target, and people are going to drive their cars to it.

    What do you expect them to do? Take the bus or rail and schlep all their goods home in a buggy? That looks good on TV, but try it in the real world.

    It's next to I-10, and we all know about I-10. This fantasy land "urban target" is just that. A fantasy.

  5. That part of town needs it.

    Never liked the San Felipe location. Too much bad karma from Loop 610.

    I'd normally just drive from Midtown to the one near Reliant. It's like going to the UN. You'll hear TONS of languages at that place, and I am not talking about Espanol.

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