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Posts posted by Spades

  1. I think Houston could and should be part of the rotation. New Orleans, Glendale, and Miami will be in the rotation regardless after 2012. If San Diego gets a new stadium, add them to the mix as well. Then it will be between Tampa, Houston, Arlington, and Atlanta. I bet Tampa and Houston are chosen as the last two to rotate between cities. I honestly believe they are done with Atlanta with what happened in 2000 and the same thing can easily happen in Dallas. What will help Dallas is if Arlington decides to get on the light rail bandwagon themselves. I don't see that happening, though.

  2. I believe that no team out there can beat a healthy T-Mac, Yao , and Rockets. Yes, i really believe that a healthy Rockets team(especially those two) can beat any team out there. That includes San Antonio and Dallas, Phoenix, etc. in a 7 game series. With Shane and a good bench, this team should win it all.

    I'm sorry but I don't. What I think hurts the Rockets is the lack of experience in the playoffs. I don't believe anybody on the team has even been to the 2nd round besides Bonzi. Also, the lack of consistent point guard play and power forward play will be their downfall. Especially at the point guard position. They can give them a scare, but I think the Mavs, Suns, and Spurs are better. Yes Spurs. Do not sleep on them because they are having a tough time right now. They usually pick up their play on the rodeo trip which is happening in a couple week.

    But the team to beat right and in the playoffs will be the Mavs. They are still the defending western conference champions and are playing the best basketball out of any team in the league.

  3. If they changed their name to the Arlington Cowboys, do you think people in Dallas would still support the team? The fact that Arlington was willing to pay for a stadium for a team that's not even theirs sounds like a joke.

    Many other teams in other metros around the country that is in the NFL has stadiums not in the primary region's city. Like the Jets, Giants, Dolphins, Redskins. I'm sure I'm missing other teams.

  4. True that, but how many people would stay in school an extra year knowing that they'd get a better chance at getting paid MORE millions the next year? > :)


    Okay, all jokes aside; the Cowboys season was done on Thanksgiving. They just look like they ran out of gas. I was surprised the Cowboys made the playoffs, but they earned that right because of their mid-season play. The Texans look like they have more hope next season than the 'Boyz in my opinion. And what was up with that work "improbable?" The Seahawks are a better and more solid team that the 'Boyz. Where's the shock? Last season, the Seahawks won the NFC and made t to the Super Bowl. Where were the Boyz? Dallas is an offseason of successful free-agency from being a solid team, but signing Owens in the offseason isn't enough. Blame him all you want, but people need to remember that this was Romo's first season, and that will equal lack of experience. He'll be great, but he still needs work.

    Also, the last draft wasn't bad; just risky. If we have a successful draft and focus on OL more than QB, I also expect the Texans to have a better record than the Boyz next season. The problem isn't the fact that Carr is QB. The problem is the fact that we depend too much on Carr/QB. There should be more answers/options. Stronger OL, develop a strong rushing game, AND develop a strong passing game. Create options. New Orleans has that. We have the capability with our current talent to add a small amount of players that could develop into that next season. Depth is key.

    I am going to respectfully disagree. The Cowboys are a bit more talented than the Texans but the Cowboys coaching is not good whatsoever. Bad playcalling, horrible preperation, too many off the field antics, bad schemes developed by coaching, and an undisciplined team was what killed this team. This team should have been much better than 9-7. They have the players, but not the coaching. We could not rush the qb because Mike Zimmer and unimaganitive mind could not create any scheme to do so and BP doesn't like to blitz because he doesn't like to get burned. As a result, that killed our secondary which already had a safety who can't cover and another safety who's just learning the speed of the game. Also, we also had a couple players that half assed out there on the field like Bradie James for example. Offensively, we did not address the problem last offseason enough and that's the oline. Rivera is done and so is Flozell Adams. The only bright spots were Columbo and Gurode. We could not pass protect nor open holes for our running backs.

    The game has passed Bill by. One coach is now gone and that is Zimmer and most Cowboy fans are ready to throw a parade. The other needs to remove himself as well and I really believe there's a good chance it will happen. I don't see the Texans having a better record than the Cowboys at all if we get the right coaching in tact.

  5. The Texans got some work to do,although they are not far from making the playoffs.O-Line and QB should be priority.

    Even though the COWBOYS season isnt over,at some point we may need some O-Line help also.And we all know we need DB's.

    Who ever said coaching is right,but its not Big Bill.It's the fact that we let Payton get away.Our play calling sucks right now.Got to get the ball to TO more.

    Guess who calls the plays? Bill Parcells. Now, Mike Zimmer is a horrible defensive coordinator. But Bill Parcells is very conservative and very old school and you can see it in the playcalling. BP does not like to blitz much because he doesn't like to get burned. The result, we are one of the worse teams to pressure teh qb and it hurts our secondary. A good pash rush makes a good secondary and vice versa. Offensively, he and Sparano are calling the shots. We ran 3 straight sweeps in the Philly game. We ran a sweep on 4th and goal from the 2. How stupid.

    Also, I wouldn't say that TO kept us out of the playoffs. But I can live without the distractions. I can live without the media jumping to create any negativity regarding the Dallas Cowboys everytime I turn on the tv or listen to the radio. Most of that has been around TO this season.

  6. The Cowboys will need coaching changes and it starts from the top. Sorry but Bill Parcells must go. I don't think he's the same coach we seen 10 years ago. There needs to be some people cut too. Such as Terrell Owens. This team is already very talented, but poorly coached. They need to make many moves this offseason and they'll contend for a superbowl.

  7. Now i don't know that this explanation is all about. I thought you made a funny, but your explanation killed the joke.

    No matter how much San Antonio tries to step up, the rivalry will still always be between Dallas and Houston. Always has been and always will be... Dallas and Houston, the two cities that lead the state forever. San Antonio might have a big population but still can't compete with what cities of Dal & Hou have to offer.

    I think many of us love San Antonio mainly because of it's downtown area and it has a different vibe from Dallas and Houston. But some San Antonio posters can be very defensive. If people on here thought Dallas posters and Houston posters are defensive, you needed to take a trip to SSP earlier this year and last year. You say even the slightest criticism about San Antonio, they will attack you like sharks. Houston nor Dallas posters have nothing on them when it comes to that. Especially if you keep saying that Dallas is the 2nd largest. They will get angry with you if you say that.

  8. I can remember when Crescent was almost all alone. Gotta give it to Dallas, Uptown Dallas is moving right along. That might be why a city of 379 sq miles (or whatever) can focus on a particular project more realistically than the sprawling neighbor to the south of 600 sq. miles. We have 5 or 6 skylines going on, but they aren't together. All in all, though, unlike Chicago and Cook County, our metro Texas counties are not losing population, but gaining all the time. ;)

    Chicago's metro is not losing population. In fact, in the past few years, it has been speeding up. They are very close to 10 million now if they haven't passed it already.

  9. I have to agree with Texastrill. I do not see any way the Texans score 28 points at all. In fact, I don't see them getting close to 20. Dallas has a top 5 offense and a top 5 defense. Dallas has a better oline, a better dline, a better running and passing game, and a better secondary. Unfortunately for Houston fans, I see a game similar to the one the Cowboys just finished with against the Titans. Unless Dallas bombs the game and turnovers the ball 5 to 6 times, I do not see the Cowboys losing.

    But in today's NFL, anything can happen. They won't back down but the Cowboys are by far the superior team. I root for the Texans too. Most Cowboy fans (outside of Houston) in Texas do. But for those 3 hours, I will root against the Texans.

    not likely. You may beat the texans by three touchdowns but you don't have near the talent of the Eagles.

    I disagree. Dallas is every bit as talented as the Eagles if not more. Dallas is just as explosive but has a better defense statisically.

  10. Damn, San Francisco's metro, and Los Angeles' metro each have a million Asians in them (as long as a million hispanics, blaccs, and of course whites).

    Yeah. LA and Sf are very diverse but SF doesn't have a million blacks. Try half of that number and LA's black population is decreasing itself. They're moving to Las Vegas or Texas.

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