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Posts posted by mcook2002

  1. Maybe you'd be more amenable to my presence if my position reflected your own?

    You are really not as good at this as you think you are. Let me try to express my feelings rather then you glean them from my comments.

    I think your presence is wonderful. You add heaps of value to this forum, in some weird way. So do the NIMBY elitist Heights residents, in their own odd way as well.

    I also fully understand that walmart will change the world for all of us inner loopers. No where did I post otherwise. I have never said i don't like or don't want walmart to build on this site. I have not forgotten about everyone else and have not stated as such. you moved near the walmart in your backyard, perhaps you forgot that.

    what i am asking of you, and i should have just typed this in the first place, is to let go a little. you are more then entitled to your opinion, but so are the elitests. So are the area residents that dont have a computer (so they cant post on forums all day) and now have a 180 degree better view towards life since they can (if its ever built) shop for cheaper "needs" at wallyworld! I wasnt attacking your ability to have and post an opinion, just asking for a little neighborly love.

  2. absolutely nothing. you are more then welcome to post your opinion all day long, as you freely do now. just let someone else have an opinion too without point counter pointing them all day long. you either don't care or completely ignore the simple fact that this is in someones "back yard", while ignoring or not caring that that yard isn't yours.

  3. Only Heights residents can use this Walmart? When I lived in Montrose, I used the Target all the time, and sometimes I still go by there if it's convenient to pick something up.

    Oh, and by the way, WALMART ISN'T BUILDING IN THE HEIGHTS. So it really doesn't matter where I live. Thanks for exemplifying my point about elitism though

    I also forgot how to point out how amazing you are at reading minds. I think what i enjoy the most about internet forum discussions is the fact that people can read so well into a few lines of text to know EXACTLY what someone is thinking. Absolutely amazing. You lumped me into the elitist crowd after reading one post and i am starting to think you are clearly related to Miss Cleo.

    Anyone, even people who are practically in Dallas, can shop at any walmart or any store they want. Although there are plenty of suburban Walmarts that are closer to you that you might feel better about patronizing being how socially conscious you seem to be.

    This thread is about a discussion where Walmart, may or may not be building in an area that to most people is well known as the "greater heights" area of our city. I know you are not that naive and spout plenty of real estate isms day after day, so this shouldn't be a surprise - yes, most of us understand its not in THE HEIGHTS, just like Target or "Sawyer Heights" isn't either. You also understand that branding/marketing is very important for business to survive and LOCATION immensely more important. This will be the Walmart (Super or Neighborhood) located in the Houston Heights.

  4. It's interesting that someone already brought up the taxpayer-funded feeder reconstruction of I-10. Of course, this is not specifically to benefit Walmart, but there is a history of taxpayer funded or subsidized infrastructure projects for many other Walmart locations. It will be interesting to see if Walmart receives additional assistance for this location, such as property tax breaks. The company has been able to take advantage of smaller communities desperate for their business and mindless to the risks, but in an urban and competitive environment like inner-loop Houston, nobody is that desperate for them to build, so hopefully we don't get stuck subsidizing their business.

    one of the few posts of value in this entire thread. wouldn't it be wonderful if you were in the NIMBY brigade yet were essentially subsidizing their business too!!??

  5. i had been reading about the saga on another forum from the mouth of one of the 4 that were robbed. he did confirm they caught the car with all 4 guys in it and they had gotten some of their goods back too. they removed the thread though because of the pending cases/jail time.

  6. he must justbe saying how mind-blowingly awesome we are and how valuable our opinions are. he is now better educated on everything from how to tip at various restaurants to the pros and cons of protesting a demo permit. he is a better person for having found HAIF and just wanted to thank us for it.

    ha - something like that.

  7. Additionally, just b/c you love the stereotype you have of Heights residents so much, let me say I drive an SUV and my husband has a Lexus. we don't drive Priuses and, while we live in a bungalow, 3bed/2bath and almost 2000 sq ft is hardly small. So what is your point? I know more people like me in the Heights than people like the ones you suggest live here- although I do know them as well and I adore them.

    The point is we are all neighbors, so get over it!! Of course you know more people like yourself then "the ones you (marksmu) suggest live here" - people tend to befriend those most like themselves while many times treating others at outcasts.

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