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Posts posted by tcole

  1. Within your constraints, let me just say that if beauty lies, in fact, in the eye of the beholder, I suppose it also holds true that for some individuals, a genuine appreciation of good taste appears limited by the size of their mouths!

    Clever. Here's one for you now. To paraphrase Shaw:

    A fool's brain digests pedantry into art.

  2. The law of diminishing returns easily applies here as well as UT & A&M, despite massive financial resources, continue their slow backslide in comparison to the California schools.

    There would really have to be another explanation than applying diminishing "marginal utility". Given that analysis, Harvard, Stanford, and other well endowed (no pun intended) private universities would indicate similar moves toward "mediocrity" with their increase in available funding.

  3. 911: You are actually attempting to defend that "oversight"? It is not like you transposed letters or missed one in fast typing. Or did not suficiently spell a more complex synonym for "roads".

    More to the point 911, my comment was meant as sarcasm. I have read enough of your posts to know that you actually do know how to spell and compose sentences. I am not so much as calling into question your intelligence as pointing out some irony that assumably educated individuals addressing the issue of higher education would incur such a blatant error.

    As to the subject at hand, my opinion is that rankings and lists are for the most part meaningless. Education is what one contributes to it. You can get as good an education from UH (non tier 1 status and all) as you can from Harvard. Along a certain vein of thought, attending Houston could be considered a wiser choice from a cost to return standpoint. Are Ivy League (and attendant others) schools great research institutions compared to UH? Probably, and at that level places like UH and Tech could stand some improvement, whether from the P Fund or from campaign drives. But as far as an undergraduate education goes, you are really going to get what you put in, whether that be at Harvard, Rice, A&M, or UH.

  4. I visited NYC and people I met, upon hearing I was from Houston asked if I rode a horse to work, or if we had paved rodes!

    "Rodes"? In a discussion over "higher" education. Doubts abound.

  5. Everything everywhere is created from the same materials throughout and indeed, is almost museum-like. In fact, here are spaces that might very well be termed galleries.

    Oh Please!? With the exception of the particular variety of retailers and target clientele, NorthPark could be mistaken for Sunset mall in San Angelo.

    My God, the collection of outlets there is very nice, and should be expected given the nearby demographics; but to fawn over an uninspired modern slab construction borders on insane Ramjet. If you want to fall down over shopping district aesthetics/uniqueness in Dallas, you would be better served by heaping your praise on HP or West Village.

  6. I have never heard anyone going to Houston just to shop.

    Wealthy Latins. And Middle Easterners in Houston on business. It is a market that Dallas barely competes for. It is also why more internationally flavored outlets go into Houston before or if ever into dallas. Also why the Houston NM and S5Av are two of their respective company's best performing locations.

  7. I've been reading thru sum interesting {historical} data 2day where there appers to be sum difference when counting floors

    I view it as the ground floor or lobby being the 1st Flr. This would be the first floor the public access' upon entry. A portion of it may/may not be sub-divided for additional tenants. None the less it iz the 1st flr.

    Then there iz the mezzanine {as sum Bldg's.} label this floors. To me this wood be the 2nd Flr. Again it may/may not be sub-divided for additional tenants.

    As one continues the journey upward you may/may knot find correct sequencial #'ng w/the buttons in elevators to get you to the top.

    Has sum'n 2 do w/superstitons, flrs allocated for mechanical equip. or watt ever but none the less the true physical count of ALL Flrs. to ANY Bldg. is what you are able to count either from the street or riding an elevator.

    When did standard English or even standard abbreviation become so difficult? Is "IZ" really easier and faster to type than "IS"? And to use "SUM" for "SOME" yet ignorantly failing to see that using "KNOT" when you wanted to say "NOT" seems to counter any notion that you are just finding a simple phonetic way of getting the points accross. Why go through the "effort" and still bother to completely and correctly spell words like "mechanical" and "physical"?

    Interesting topic, but it loses its intrigue when one cannot/does not really communicate one's ideas clearly.

  8. The Bush Administration is looking to make changes in their cabinet partially to win back low approval from the American public, and to show that the administration hears the American public. Two questions: Is the Press Secretary's resignation/replacement effective in the public trusting an admin, and does the hiring of a Fox News reporter as the new Press Secretary increase support from the public?

    The press secretary is NOT a cabinet level position. But to answer your question, it really depends on just how well a press secretary can "spin" and mold the presentation of the WH news to the WH press corps. Scott McClellan and Ari Fleischer were not terribly effective whereas Joe Lockhart and Mike McCurry were remarkably effective in Clinton's WH. McCurry took over from a completely inept Dee Dee Myers.

    Tony Snow has the advantage of having actually managed reporters (he was a news editor) as well as being somewhat skilled with media presentation after 8+ years on TV/radio. Will his hiring improve Bush's poll numbers? That is left to be seen. To some degree, the president really has nowhere else to go but up. That being said, Bush isn't running again so his poll numbers are to some degree meaningless unless his party loses one or both houses of congress.

  9. Don't belittle me just cause I'm 12. I am a genius in the making. Private schools.

    But dear boy, you are out of your league, so to speak. You may be "smart" among the acne set, but I am afraid that claiming private schooling is not going to cut it with me (as I am a by-product as well). I applaud your gumption, but your previous series of posts indicates that you need a few more years on you.

    At your level, you are best served to read and ask questions; on this board, the former may be your best avenue.

  10. And yes for your information I go in chat rooms for children, I'm 12 years old.

    If that is indeed true, the I apologize smartguy for my berating of you. I mistakenly assumed you to be older and therefore better prepared for mature dialogue that includes vagaries such as irony and satire.

    You might want to consider that you might not be completely prepared to contribute to boards such as these until you are older.

  11. But wait. Doesn't the phrase "Dallas" refer to the entire DFW area? Why the differentiation between Dallas and Fort Worth then? I remember once being told that one of the things to see in "Dallas" is the Kimball museum (inside FW city limits.) Maybe I'm confused again. When does one say something is in Dallas, and when do you say something - like a non-aesthetically pleasing freeway - is in Fort Worth?

    Put the matches and gasoline away 2112.

    Kimball HS IS in Dallas. The KimbEll Museum is in FW. Founded and run by a FW family.

    Oh hell, let's strke at least one of those matches...the reason dallas keeps "claiming" the Kimbell (for that matter the Modern and Carter as well) is because the DMA is well, to be nice, not in same league. And for a city like dallas not to have the best museum in the southwest, not to mention one of the best collections of museums in the world is unacceptable. Especially for one so "world class"...

  12. 6) When heading west, Fort Worth ends rather abruptly right at the 820 Loop. It's uncanny.
    It is uncanny. There was a proposal to develop 20,000 acres into mixed use development about five years ago in that area west of 820. The Barnett Shale rush has put that plan on the back burner. Speaking of, the gas rush is another reason for Fort Worth's recent "boom".
    7) I like what they've done to I-35W heading south from downtown. Could stand some trees, sure, but the freeway is in great shape. How long ago was it rebuilt?

    Finished in 1986. You should have seen in before.

    9) Unfortunately, the mills on the southern side of town can give off a bit of a stench.

    Not mills. A brewery - Texas' largest.

  13. The DFW Airport Board appointments are made with regard to Dallas' and Fort Worth's respective ownership in the airport, not population or business traffic.
    Re-read my post. Here, I will make it easier:
    The ownership distribution was originally set out based on relative population.

    Therefore, the board seats were allocated based on relative population, because the original ownership was such. Perhaps I should have made the case that ownership allotment should also be similarly re-apportioned.

  14. Why not? Shouldnt the municipal contribution to airport decisions come from the areas driving the most business?

    Well, let's deal with facts. The ownership distribution was originally set out based on relative population. That is and is projected to change in ratio by 2010, so should the board representation equally change?

  15. Please read the reminder notice for the forum before posting. Keep it on topic, and take the flame wars somewhere else. The rest of us aren't really interested in reading people insulting each other.

    Being said, I'll return to topic with a post from the Fort Worth Architecture forum:

    "It appears that with the growth of Fort Worth relative to Dallas over the last 7-8 years, the distinct possibility arises that the population of Fort Worth could exceed 800,000 by the 2010 national census whereas Dallas would be hard-pressed to top the 1.3 mil. mark. As such, current ownership and distribution of board seats for DFW airport favors Dallas by about 2 to 1 to reflect the status ante that prevailed when the airport was constructed and for the better part of the last 35 years, that being that Dallas was roughly a little over twice the size of Fort Worth. Fort that matter, Fort Worth has potential to reach approximate parity with Dallas by 2020.

    So, should redistribution of ownership/board seats take place with regard to DFW airport?"

    Interesting question in my opinion.

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