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Posts posted by jgriff

  1. Why settle for either extreme?

    The models in all the adds at ROD will look better in a $200 suit from the Men's Warehouse than most consumers will look in a really expensive suit from ROD.

    No reason to cheap out at walmart or overspend at ROD. plenty of quality can be found in the middle ground.

    But $200 tee shirts and $300 jeans is just silly. looking at you vince.

    Some of the places in ROD will have $1000 jeans.

  2. Field trip to Germany? Japan? France? Anywhere with High Speed Rail anyone? All aboard. No security checkpoints like in airports. Its that simple lol


    Yes, but the article is suggesting that might change due to incidents like the one that happened recently in France. 

  3. You can't hijack a train and run it into a building which means that you can't make it a weapon. The remote advanced control / monitoring required to operate a HSR system (like a mini-mission control) would also be able to disable the train remotely. So to answer your question: YES. There are many reasons to believe that I'm not going to have to go through the same hurdles as a plain.


    It's kind of a misleading article. They come to a conclusion that seems to be the opposite of the title. 



  4. Its not racist or classist to not want to send your kids to a school that's not up to par. Im not sending my kids to a school where more than half cannot speak english. What kind of education are they actually getting?? Also, 92% hispanic is not diverse, so you cant say that not wanting your kids there shows that we're scared of diversity.

    Correct. It's exactly the opposite. In the new hyper sensitive culture of America, sending your kids to a school that is 92% Hispanic should be showing that you are racist. Unless, of course the people who like to race bait every issue they can aren't logically consistent.

  5. I don't believe the article says all the cuts will be downtown. It would make a lot of sense for them to try to consolidate smaller locations around the city into their larger buildings. That's what we're doing. We've already cut two buildings, not only do we reduce payroll, we also reduce real estate costs significantly.

  6. That's just it, it's one part of our economy. Granted, a very large part. Oil in Houston as of now is not booming, it is the opposite of said same. I work a lot with O&G, but as it isn't my main business I am pretty well insulated. Some companies I do work with just stopped receiving orders for new product one day. Sure, they are still making things, but it's a lot slower than it was a year ago. So yeah, that sector is certainly in trouble. As it is the largest sector of Houston's economy, we should be wary.


    However, Houston grew by margins over the last 5-10 years. Demand could not keep up, you can see this in the cost for rental, the supply of new homes on the market. So people are still building apartments and new homes, and renovating old ones. There's the ship channel which is racing to be ready for the new ships through the expanded canal. There's downstream O&G which will continue doing very well for at least the rest of the year before they start feeling the pain of the O&G market.


    So yeah, for people like the BP CEO, it probably does feel like 1986, but the rest of Houston, we still feel pretty good about the prospects in this town.


    I think you are correct on the downstream work. I work mostly in downstream. We anticipate 10% more business in FY2016 than FY2015. We had some projects cancel in late 2014 but we've been steady since then. 


    Our upstream division was decimated over the last 6 months.

  7. I did some matching.




    So this is actually on the South side of the Target. The derricks location has been moved (presuming its the same derrick). Ive matched up the letters, with the historical photo, and added other Reference buildings to help with orientation. I noted the 'original derrick location with the circle)


    Wow, good work. I was concentrating so much on the derrick that I never thought about it being moved. 

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  8. Great find. On that link, heres a picture of the site back in the day (undated). I'll see if I can keep looking for more information but that helps a lot. Thanks!





    You can see the derrick in that photo. I can't match up anything else though, even looking through historic photos I can't make a match.

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  9. I apologize for bumping a 5 year old thread. I cycle by this target quite often, and was looking for more information regarding the abandoned oil derrick adjacent to the Target (pictures below). Does anyone have a link with some information regarding this structure? I cant seem to find anything. My searches led me here, where some people mentioned it being painted in 2007 and 2006.  Who preserved it? Who maintains it? When was it built, etc?


    Don't know if I should crosspost with the historic houston forum. 



    It's got a Bowen sign on it. That's a company that is owned by National Oilwell Varco. Maybe they have or had a facility in the area?


    There's a photo of it on their web page...




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