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Everything posted by Gary

  1. I've said it before, and I'll say it again... I love Chicago! Wonderfull pick of Two Prudential Plaza.
  2. It's been going on for a while, but the Republicans have really turned on the PC in recent years which has pissed alot of conservatives off.
  3. As a conservative I would obviously NEVER vote for Clinton or Obama as they scare the hell out of me. Having said that, don't be so quick to call the Republicans a thinking mans party. They have done an awful job at listening to their constituants, and in my opinion left us as conservatives with know one to vote for. In other words... They (Republicans) might not be as slimey as Hillary, but they should hang their heads in shame for what they've done to the party and it's supporters.
  4. Although mine don't compare to some here, I'd thought I'd post a couple anyway. I've got some others I prefer, but these are what I have on my drive now.
  5. Not only was L.H. a giant in his time, but he was a big influence to The Beatles, especially George and Ringo.
  6. Yeah, the true CBD of LA has always been dead, and still is, but as you stated (I was refering to earlier) there has been a large move of the residential componant around SW downtown, and into the USC area which has dramatically changed the landscape. You mention Figueroa St, and i can tell you first hand (was there two months ago) that much of what's going up is first rate, with much of the development right up to the street. Very, very cool. I wish Midtown Houston would take a few pages from LA's book. Please dude. We were not bashing your city. We were refering to Jax post which directly related to this thread, and he just happened to mention Dallas. Grow some thicker skin.
  7. Congrats to Seviv and Bachanon. Please don't ban me.
  8. Jax, DT LA offers a bit more than does DT Houston. Their residential componant helps a bunch. DT Dallas is a ghost town with the exception of the West End. Also Dt Houston is sitting at over 40 million sq feet of office space, and Dt Dallas is sitting at just under 30 million, your woman friend hasn't a clue as to what she's talking about. By the way... Houston's class A office space alone (29 million) equals that of DT Dallas in total.
  9. Geeez, I hope it looks nothing like the fake stucco, ghetto design in Katy. Although it's a neat store inside, it looks like it belongs on Hillcroft somewhere. Really cheap stuff.
  10. Although that article seems a little presumptuous, I loved this line: "The Barnett Shale could produce gas for many years to come. Add that to Fort Worth's better planning, and you have a city that's not only on the move, but clearly has struggling Dallas in its sights". If you follow some of the Dallasites line of thinking, the DFW area is one happy city that's ready to take on the world. Doesn't look like that to me. At least from this guy's standpoint.
  11. Unfreakingbelievable! Damn close to the most ignorant post I've read since joining HAIF. I would chime in as my blood pressure just shot up a few points, but as usual TJ and Red said it better.
  12. Not just bad decisions but bad motivation as well. The Stros looked like they were bored almost the entire season.
  13. It's gotten me a long way in life... Don't underestimate it.
  14. I was looking at the second rendering when I made my comment. Regardless I think it stinks that such a high profile building is following suit with our cities current trend of BEIGE. A beige that is painfully reminisant of fake stucco. At least gimme a fake granite. I passed by yesterday and they were taking soil samples. Also, where they were taking the samples is directly to the East of the tower, so it must be the the second tower in the rendering. Now that one I like.
  15. Or we could very slowly, and painfully bring an end to the sob that did this.
  16. That article pretty much said nothing.
  17. It seems to me that this tower is a win, win situationn regardless of whether it has retail or not. What I mean, is that this tower will house a few thousand workers, which in turn will inject money into the surrounding Main street area. Main already has a number of boarded up retail spaces, so this could help revitalize those locations... At least during the work week.
  18. Thanks for bumming me out even further. Plans are for a date in March of next year. Hopefully it's a warmed up by then.
  19. C'mon Talbot, that post was right on the money where HAIF is concerned. I should know, I'm one of the stupid ones.
  20. Did someone say BBQ? When I'm in town Sunday grilling is a way of life.
  21. Yup, they did. I was dwelling on the last few paragraphs that were kind of itemizing the Island's attractions. "boutique-filled buildings of the Strand National Historic Landmark district a few blocks away, they keep Galveston at the forefront of Victorian destinations". Geeez, I need to take a reading comprehension course.
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