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Posts posted by Deut28Thirteen

  1. You're looking at it all wrong, Deut. She's PERFECT for the White House. Look at it this way. The economy is in the crapper. Once the bailout falls apart, we probably go into the next great depression. Everyone is miserable. Whoever is president cannot fix it in 4 years. So, it's pretty much a throwaway presidency. What better people to have in the White House than McCain and Palin doing stuff that make us laugh every day. Jon Stewart and Colbert and the late night guys all have lots of material, so we can laugh for a few minutes and forget that we used to be the greatest country on earth.

    Even HAIF will be fun. The McCain/Palin apologists will be yelling at us to quit picking on her, that we should show more respect for the office of the VP. It'll be great fun. Maybe we'll even get a good old fashioned witch hunt. Or maybe to spur the economy, we invade Russia through Siberia (you can see it from Palin's porch). The mind boggles over the opportunities. Best of all, the free market will really be FREE! (just read Niche's signature)

    BTW, watch her answer to the question whether Alaska has trade missions to Russia. It's Gold, Jerry! It's Gold, I tell ya!

    :lol: LMAO! Thats funny laughter does take away from stress but I am going to be mad as fux if our country has to go through a depression, I likes to eat Steak!!!!! I have thought of that before. Save obama for 2012 so america can really see why its need change.

  2. Just for a laugh, I thought this was funny, poor Bill no wonder he screws around all the time.

    MadTv is not as good as it used to be , but sometimes they still come out with some classics. This is so funny. It is kinda of a response to the clip above from barnes.

    This is really funny too!! I say McCain has no economic expertise, John says the same thing.

  3. grandpazi0.jpg

    Thats some funny ish right there! :lol:

    I doubt people will vote for him because of a couple of reasons; one people for some idiotic reason thinks he is a Muslim terrorist, another major reason no one wants to believe exist, he is some how elitist and thinks he is better than other people (I also don't see how he people thinks he is better than the middle class and I for one want an elite leader unlike the one we have now), and there is some more reasons. Thats why I think Obama won't get elected for some of the reasons stated above but I pray and hope to God he does!!!!!

    I just don't believe how anybody would vote for another four years of the last eight!!!!!!!! I JUST DON'T GET IT! Some one please explaine! People tend to think he does not have any experience but maybe a community organizer is what we need for this country. If this country would stop looking at it self in terms of black or white, i.e. politics and race, but as a community then maybe we could get somewhere but people still want to think in terms of Republican and Democrat. How can any body say Obama has no right to be president because he has lack of experience and then say Sara Palin VP choice does because she was Governor of Alaska. Chi town's population almost doubles that of Alaska and that's not including the Chicago metro population. That no experience crap can be thrown out of the window. And that we don't know him thing, well who is Sara Palin. Case should have been closed when he beat Clinton.

    One more thing I want to say because I was reading it through out the topic what's wrong with teaching creation in schools too? We are forced to learn in the theory of evolution whether you think it is true or not. It is what it is a theory because even with all your facts and radio carbon dating you can not really prove it because there are still holes in it. A theory is something that has not been proven. I am tired of people telling me there is no God or Jesus did not really rise from the dead. How dare anybody tell me my God does not exist.

    Happy to get that off my chest. :)

    Thats funny somthing on the Big band theory just came on the History channel.

  4. Prairie View being the best out of the bunch. They have a REALLY nice engineering department.

    Prairie View also has a very good School of Architecture and is the 2nd oldest college in Texas only after Texas A&M.

    Indyman your daughter should have looked at more HBCU's in Texas like Houston-Tillotson in Austin or Paul Quinn in Dallas or in Houston PV only about an 60 min drive. She is going to get an college education no matter where she goes it is just what she does with it. TSU gets a lot of bad credit because of the wrong the students do. If the student fails and does not graduate it is not the college faults.

  5. TSU can be a good school if your daughter makes it a good school. Your daughter is going to know how to present herself when it comes down to getting a job and she must make the grades. TSU gets a lot of the kids from the Houston area that dont do any thing in high school class end up going their because of the open enrollment, and they think they can do that at TSU, but they cant cause TSU wont allow them. I think that mess up TSU's numbers a bit. To many people think the only schools that produce good students are the big schools like Texas A&M, Texas or USC but thas not true. I am not sure if your family lives right in the middle of a big city, but she cant get caught up in the Houston clubs or the Partys at TSU. There is a bias towards schools like TSU for the big schools so coming all the way to Houston for TSU she needs to make the grades so it would be worth it!!!

  6. My 1st day of college class starts I am excited. Does not feel like when High school starts it's a big diffrence! What do yall remember about what your 1st day of college was like? Thank God I dont have an 8:00am class like my twin and my roomate!!! That was my birthday gift to myself no early classes!

    I go to PVAMU all the way out on 290. Not how I wanted to spend my 18th birthday all the way out here getting settled in my dorm but the club can wait. LOL

  7. Does any one know which side is holding it up? If I was the dynamo then I would tell the city of Houston no stadium no team. Houston keeps growing and a huge chunck of the population really like watching them. I am starting to think the city does not care for this team or their new stadium and it wont get built, or maybe we get more info for real in two more weeks.

  8. I DO NOT WANT TO WATCH ANY MORE SWIMMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wacko::angry2::wacko:

    I dont know how he won his 7th gold I thought he got second with the replay? I just dont see it. :blink: And you reporters STFU!!!!!!! How many times can you ask him the same question and get the same answer over and over?! And how do you say I am at a lost for words but somehow make this big speech. Evey person does it and that has always been a pet peeve of mine. I am glad he won all his gold and stuff (I want to catch China ;) ) but I cant wait tell track because the olympics cant be the olympics without track and field.

    I knew gymnastic was kinda intresting to watch but I did not think I would be jumping up and down when they got 1st and 2nd place. And upset when I saw some of those American scores compared to the other nations. BUT, China won the team gold and America was just not as good. They had a chane to take a lead and then they were not that far behind on the last event. China was clutch when it came down to the clutch moments and America was not, even if China was younger.

    The olympics have been fun to watch so far, but to much michael phelps and swimming for me. Get to see some sports you wont watch and its kinda intresting to see other sports and how big it is in some parts of the world like ping pong.

  9. It has gotten more about making money but I still enjoy because it only happens 1 time every four years and that always makes it fun for me to watch. I have more of a problem with the athletes cheating. The Olympics is about who is the best athletes in the world and when the athletes take steroids it takes away from what the Olympics mean. I remember watching and being at the '96 olympics it was fun walking around Atlanta seeing all the diffrent people and the events. What I remember the most was that American Gymnast landing on a hurt foot and that won it for America. When look back at that I think that is what an athlete is suppose to be about.

  10. Anyone that was willing to believe that nonsense has not looked at Barack Obama. If you are going to vote for McCain and have been following the election, then you would have to at least admit Obama is a man of genuine good charter. If you dont believe that and think he is just a politician, then what politician in their right mind would snub the American troops? Knew it was not true when I heard it.

    100 Days to next President. So excited! :D

  11. Heres the site to the official website of the Olympics. I got the SI about the olympics and there was almost no mention of Brett Favre and the NFL so you know the olympics are close. What are people looking towards the most and who is going to win the most Golds.

    I cant wait for Track and Field. Jamaica vs USA in sprints and the Relays. I find it amazing that little crountry can produce some of the worlds top sprintes after America. I like watching long distance because it is a time when African Nations can show the world thats theres more than just proverty there. I love track so I going to watch.

    Basketball better win gold, not lose a game, and blow every country they play out by at least 25 points! Sliver or Bronze wont cut it. If we dont win gold we should start looking at college players. I think theres still the want too play for winning and not endorsments. I think most NBA players dont play that way, but theres a good chunk that do. B-BALL is my favorite sport so I am going to love watching them play. I want Yao to do good with his country just dont beat America. Team USA vs Team China on Aug. 10, 2008.

    I am not sure if I would look at Baseball but SI has them winning bronze after Cuba and Japan. I am not sure thay can medal but it is a good chane they will if they play at the top of their game because South America has some good teams. I think Cuba and Japan are good picks for gold and sliver.

    I want to see if Michael Phelps wins all eight golds and if the 40 something year old women can medal.

    I like watching tennis. I think it is a fun sport. I am going for the William sisters to take gold and sliver in singles with Venus winning gold and Maria sharapova taking bronze. The williams sisters to win gold in doubles. Roger Federer then Nadal and taking bronze Djokovic.

    The lopez's from Houston so I want them to do good and win gold in taekwondo. Go ninja on them in Beijing! :ph34r:

    And of Course America wins the most Golds and medals over all.

    So what do yall think about my picks and what are yours?

  12. It is very refreshing and he does not sound like a ten year old. I remeber when Bush said he will rid the world of evil doers. I know it was a very serious statement just days after 9/11, but I could not stop laughing. I was like in 6th grade when he said that speech and I remember saying that sound like something out of the Justin Leauge. Bush well he is so

  13. Yes, but I'm sure Dubai's will be far more visually appealing.

    Look at post 68 they have a pic of Dubai's and it is not spectacular. I like ours better it is more to the theme and bigger than Ski Dubai! :-) But I found some thing on the internet about the Snowdome in Dubai and it looks spectacular imo. Link to Snowdome

    Arent they proposing to build some type of artic thing in galveston maybe they can take some of the architectual elements from the snowdome to ues.

  14. More kids does not do a single mother any good for finaces. My cousin has five kids and four out of wet lock and she and my aunt love them kids to death but WIC did not make things easy with more kids. My aunt on a teacher salary supported five grand kids, two daughters, and my grandmother who had alzheimer, and she went through a divorce. My cousin is not getting child support from the fathers and is seperated from her husband but are working it out doing what they have to for their children. My aunt did not get much support from her husband to take care of his two daughters. But they managed to get through it. They are not going to need WIC anymore after this year, and thinking about moving down to Texas. The east coast is not cheap. She and my cousin truned their credit around and was able to get a new car and a relatively cheap house in Va because a forecloser. And the other daughter is able to go to a private school for college. I am proud for what they were able to do and all though WIC helped in did not get them out of the woods.

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