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Posts posted by gsutiger2

  1. I just left from there - I am considering giving downtown living a try (only if my home can lease for a good price). Well, I felt they were fine. They are definately not glamorous but there not bad. Good price if you want to get into downtown. Layouts are pretty nice as well.

    Again my issue . . .Parking. No parking and only one entrance in. They have contracted though with garages VERY near with a reasonalbe fee.

  2. Hello All,

    I am trying to find a reasonable landscape designer for a simple Mod home. The current landscape is fit for a traditional house and looks horrible. Any recommendations on a designer or websites that have pics of landscapes?

    Thank you.

  3. I hate that Continental expands EWR over IAH, but can you blame them?

    A 20 million person market compared to a 5.5 million person market.

    Massive O&D at EWR and close to the largest financial markets in the world, the New Jersey Pharm. market, a massive tourism market, and more.

    Plus, when you fly from IAH to Europe, you pretty much fly right over EWR. IAH-EWR-Europe makes a helluva lot more sense.

    You know I thought I was the ONLY one bothered by this. I just hate how I have to lay over when I live in a hub city. Another thing that pisses me off is that Continental does not have any late flights from LAX to IAH. Meaning for those getting off of transpacific flights between 5-7pm they have to wait until the NEXT DAY to get into Houston. But I quess South America is Houston's "Thing".

  4. Yes, he is based in Austin but will come to Houston. Doors and company
    Drive around areas such as Oak Forest which were built right around then on heavy trash day. Somebody's bound to have thrown out a period front door. Some folks down the street from me threw theirs out a couple months back. Historic houston may have some as well.

    Wow! Thanks for the info. Doing both recc. this weekend.

  5. ???? I need to throw out here . . .

    Does anyone know where one could go and find an exterior front door that fits with a Mod home? Most doors sold in stores here are for traditional homes.


  6. Indeed, the Sunset Strip in LA is all about race-mixing when its history from the Roaring 20s to Motley Crue to the celebrity crap of today is very representative of WHITEBREAD demographics. Oh, I noticed the Key Club had quite a few Asians going in one night...forget about how I didn't notice too many whites hanging around some of the cool places in Koreatown.

    Yet in Houston, downtown was once a haven for oops, white upscale Hollywood/South Beach wannabes...yet is now popular with Latino and African American crowds. Even back in 2002, downtown Houston still had places that attracted well-heeled blacks, Asians and Latinos. That's a hell of a lot more than what the Sunset Strip does.

    The Sunset Strip, on the other hand, will probably NEVER see a shift toward African-American or Latino clientele that will forever be relegated to the environs of Compton and such.

    So much for that Myth of Diverse California. And I lived there for many years.

    And don't even get me started on the Gas Lamp in Colonial San Diego. Geez, where can I find Halal in spades in San Diego the way it's so plentiful in Houston.

    Sometimes these arrogant and IGNORANT californians reveal something about themselves when they speak condescendingly of fabulous H-town.

    Houston's New Chinatown shares GREAT proximity with Middle Eastern, African, African-American and Latino culture en masse.

    LA's equivalents like the San Gabriel Valley and Westminster? Nah. Not even close. I have to admit, the north-of-Hollywood areas like say Vermont Ave comes closest to LA's ideal of mixed assortment of ethnic cafes...but the look is so old and Sanford and Son (junky). Give me Alief's green landscaping anyday.

    Shows which town is more about REAL race-mixing, eh?

    San Diego is only 6% African American last I check versus Houstons 18% Whites in San Diego account for over 70% as they do in Houston. What I have observed since moving here . . . And I am speaking strictly adults . . .

    People here do not tend to mingle out of there circle in my opinon. When I met people when I moved here, and they would bring me around there social circle (or I observed this from afar) - everyone was pretty much from the same race, background, etc . . . Didn't see a lot of "diversity" in the social circles of locals.

    San Diego, LA, San Francisco - It seems like many races were/are represented from every ethnic group when observing & being apart of social groups. People seemed more "open" in welcoming a person in.

    Yeah, downtown here may have Latinos and African Americans - but are they socializing TOGETHER or in different clubs? Are the clubs representative of Houston or just one group who patronizes the establishment?

    I'm not knocking Houston, however I still believe that many adults (locals) stay within there circle. I don't see many people venturing out to diversify their circle.

  7. Both Home Depot & Lowes have horrible, horrible customer service. They have it because they can. I stopped going to Home Depot for awhile because Lowes was aesthetically pleasing. Merchandise was in order, well light, and fairly empty (now I see why). But they pissed me of royally and missed out on a large $$$ purchase from me. I and other customers were paging employees to come to the dept and guess what? no one ever showed. Manager would say they were getting someone - guess what? they don't show. & when some did show, guess what? It wasn

  8. I've stayed at the W Dallas every Mon-Thursday for the past 6 months. It's a cool place, and Dallas goes ga-ga over it, but I think it's a bunch of LA wanna-be's. The hotel has the worst service I've ever encountered in a luxury hotel. They hire a bunch of "cool" young people to work there who have no idea how to do simple things like get your room service order correct, bring the right car to the valet, shine shoes, calculate a room bill, etc. The service is laughable there. The place typifies the city of Dallas to me - always looking for something trendy from another location and thinking they're "all that" since they have it... I've never seen a city try so hard to be cool. Please. . . .

    Do you think this would pertain to Houston as well?

  9. It is hard to believe that Houston's finest neighborhood is still so backward. Sorry Calikid had such a bad experience. As a Black male who once lived in the Hollywood Hills the racial attitude in Houston is totally different than LA, on the west coast your money, fame or both will take you to wherever you want to be. My friends here find it very hard to believe that thousands of Black homeowners live in Beverly Hills, Bel Air, Brentwood, Malibu, Pacific Palisades, Hancock Park and other areas of La where the homes start at over $2, 000, 000 and they aren't celebrities either. It is even harder for those who never visited the west coast to believe that so call black ghetto areas of LA aren't really all black. Watts and Compton are more than 60% Hispanic, Asian and White, integrated "ghettos" Houston's Finest would just faint!

    I am a California native and totally understand what your saying. People in Houston love to scream about diversity. But I find here, $$ alone wont get you in. That's what I appreciate about Cali. At least if I had the $$ and means to get into a neighborhood, I could. Here, no. And if you do get into a neighborhood you apprantely have "no business in" - It will be a cold reception (I know this for a fact, living it now).

  10. It could be worse. Brady's Landing is terrible! ...and even pricier. . .

    I do not understand how Brady's Landing continues to stay in business. I cringe when a company wants to take people there. Monument Inn is not the greatest. I can find better seafood in the middle of houston. Also, looking at the dirty water does not help my appetite.

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