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Everything posted by stexan

  1. Yeah, that's where the Honda shop was. I remember a Triumph/Vespa dealer further out the Gulf Freeway just north of Griggs. Try this link for looking around; it's a combination of Google Earth and Wikipedia. http://www.wikimapia.org/#y=29731701&x...amp;l=0&m=h Vertigo, I used to get ice cream/snacks at the place across Telephone from Samperi's. Do you remember what that was? OldHouse Lover, I found a couple of references to the Green Parrot but can't track it down. I think one of them referred back to another thread somewhere on HAIF. I did find a couple of references to a book called "Down in Houston" about the 40s-50s blues scene in Houston; Barnes & Noble lists it online.
  2. Found this link: http://www.scarletdukes.com/st/tmhou_venues2.html
  3. Ads from The Austin Round-Up, school newpaper; dated October 23, 1969.
  4. Also from 1970 Yearbook; sorry for the extra posts; still getting used to the forum.
  5. Image from 1970 Austin High Yearbook; corner of Dumble and Telephone.
  6. Will get to it in the next few days. Remembered one other place that's still there, although a little south of the area this thread is about. I grew up on Lidstone south of Brays Bayou. There's a recording studio nearby on Brock Street; don't remember who owned it when I lived there but it's Sugar Hill Studios today. Had the first 8 track recording equipment in Texas. Established in the 1940s(?). They have a web site. Let's see if I know how to post a link: http://www.sugarhillstudios.com/
  7. Hadn't checked this place in a while, but did go back and look for any old photos, etc that I have. Most of this went to my sister-in-law several years ago; she's the "keeper" for our family. All I've found are 2 Austin yearbooks, 1970-71, and a copy of the school newspaper "The Round-Up" dated Oct. 23, 1969; I made the front page ). Some stuff I hadn't thought about in years: Lanzo's Fine Foods, 1001 Telephone Road, maybe the deli brerrrabbit asked about? Young, The Jeweler listing Moses Anton as watch repairman; Milton Flower Shop on Dumble ( I bought a few mums from them); a photo of the Leonard's store on Telephone, Ray Hay's with the staff out front, and the old Jack- in-the-Box. I'll scan them in a post them if anyone wants. Also several ads for photographers for senior pics, including Howard Ruthven, who was on the Austin faculty. OldHouseLover, I wouldn't know what to do with the cookbook, but I appreciate the offer. Have you asked the Houston Public library if they want it; I think they have a section for local history. Vertigo, I had some class photos but they would have been several years before you; last one in 1964(?). What I DO have are videos of several Henderson May Fetes that my father shot on 8mm and I had transferred over to DVD a while back. The quality is not good, but maybe I can post them, too, if I can figure out how. I also have a few questions about old places in the area, if anyone can remember. One is a little toy store a block or two south of Henderson on Dismuke. It was never busy, but I used to stop in there occasionally and buy some candy; I think the lady that ran it may have been German. The other is about an ice skating rink somewhere on Telephone, maybe out towards Winkler? And one piece of trivia. My father graduated from UH after WW 2 and got a job as an inspector for the Texas Highway Dept., now TexDOT. His first important job was the original construction of the Gulf Freeway where it begins south of downtown. The contractor, Brown&Rooot had used substandard concrete, and his report resulted in them having to tear it up and start over. Used to have a Houston Post article about this, but it's been lost. Would appreciate it if anyone could find a reference to it. One other thing; I'd love to have a good picture of the old stone stage in Hermann Park. Went here for a lot of July 4 celebrations, etc.. Roy
  8. Hello all; I'm a newbie here, and quite surprised to find this place. Was doing some random Google searches relating to a little "walk down memory lane" , entered Mustang Malt Shop and found this thread. I graduated from Austin HS in 1971. Went to Jackson JHS and Henderson Elementary; attended Epworth Methodist. I live in Corpus Christi now; don't know if I can contribute much to the discussion but reading your posts has brought back some great old memories.
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