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Everything posted by devonhart

  1. Makes me wonder how many fantastic photos are sitting in boxes and drawers of people with no techno skills to share them with the world.
  2. I'm assuming you've searched the internet and Youtube for these?
  3. Came across this in a 1970 UofH yearbook. Whenever I went to the Loew's or Metropolitan during the week, this man always seemed to be on the sidewalk.
  4. Westbury is still the Rebels but without the Confederate iconography. I saw Madison being built in 1965 when I was 10, I lived across the bayou in Pamela Heights. I could also see the Astrodome being built if I stood on top of the man-made hill at Hobby Elementary. I also remember the Civil War Centennial 1961-65, especially the bubblegum cards depicting battles and other scenes, I also remember the adults in the neighborhood used the N-word. My parents taught us not to use the word, but their neighborhood friends were the same people who used racial slurs. I remember the white and colored restrooms at my doctor's office in the medical center. Later in the Willow Meadows neighborhood we moved to, my best friend's dad was a Mississippian who would tear out pictures of black celebrities out of his TV Guide and other magazines before he would read them, and when "All in the Family" came out Archie Bunker was his hero. Some of my school friend's at Bellaire used racial slurs, some of who later became law enforcement. I don't like to think of myself as racist, but if I'm honest, I carry prejudices from my past that I try to identify and put aside. Tana, I'm sorry if I offended you, and I believe you when you say the Rebels didn't carry hate in their heart, and you are right about considering the times, that's why I said "almost seems like a bad joke now."
  5. Mine was an angry bird - Bellaire Cardinals, I think we're still rivals.
  6. Found this in a 1965 Westbury HS yearbook online. Geez, almost seems like a bad joke now.
  7. This is on Texas Ave in the 70s, clearing 19th century buildings for a skyscraper I'm sure someone can figure out from the position from Jones Hall.
  8. I'm assuming Baby Boomers are still targets for higher end products, music from 30 and 40 years ago is the music of our youth, possibly a subtle suggestion that car X will make you feel like you did in 1970.
  9. I sorted out the copyright issues, got permission from UofH Digital library and replaced the music.
  10. After some back and forthing with UofH Digital Library, they agreed to let me use the footage. Had to change the music, the 50 year old record had an active copyright.
  11. The original source is the UofH Digital library, J.R. got permission to use the video. UofH has a general page about copyright and fair use and some of their material is public domain, I didn't check this specific item until later, it is copyrighted.
  12. I had to take the video down, there was a copyright issue.
  13. I think part of it was that WWII vets were only 15 years from having experienced victory as boys, and with their G.I. Bill education, had a can do attitude as men that gave them a great advantage over later generations.
  14. This was a KUHT-TV documentary that was archived on the University of Houston library website. The broadcast originally aired in the 1960s. Expedition Houston, Episode 5: The Dark Hours https://av.lib.uh.edu/media_objects/sx61dm33r http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OxoiRz6SgA
  15. Strangely, I have no recollection of Sid, I remember Steve Edwards even though I had no interest in sports.
  16. Shows their arrival and the speech at the Rice Hotel. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfZqtFv9xzE
  17. no Well, only five channels on TV, only rich people had VCRs, Pong had just been developed, so no video games at home, the internet didn't exist, no Iphone, MTV hadn't reduced everyone attention span to 5 seconds yet. Keep in mind, it was the day of mini skirts, halter tops and the bra less look, the girls might have come for the art, the guys came for the girls.
  18. More clips from a 1972 home movie of the Houston Art Happening on Main Street. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_OHouueJno
  19. I'm going to agree about 80%. People of extremely modest means made the attempt to dress appropriately, but their worn shoes or out dated clothing still indicated their situation; however, my Dad said as a kid he didn't know they were poor because everyone was.
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