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Posts posted by plumber2

  1. I just tried to post an aerial shot of that bldg, from Historical Aerials. Apparently, I don't know how to, properly. Can someone give me a simple lesson on how to share from the site?

    I found another pic of that bldg. Wanted to share it with u. Did it face I-45 South, close to the road? I think it was the t-shaped place. Was gone in the 1973 aerial.

    Yes, it faced I-45 South. But like I stated in my earlier post (thank you Nena), I remember it being close to (just south of) an overpass, presumably present day Scarsdale.

  2. Zephyr, I know someone has talked about that orphanage in that location, before. Great to hear another story. I remember Genoa, used to cut throught those back roads, behind the drive-in, by the post office...led to Old Galveston Rd.

    That was probably me. I remember the building being on the inbound side of the freeway. It was diffenently some type of orphange because it had playground equipment out front. (you know us kids could spot a swingset or slide from a mile away, and going 60 miles an hour).

    Anyway, it had a sign that read Dyer Home on the front gate. I remember that because that's the same name that appears on the smaller HISD stadium next to Delmar.

  3. Back in the mid 70's when Tookies openned, it was called S.W. Tookies. Don't know what the initials stood for but they were dropped years later. Us who worked at the Seabrook Shipyard back in those days ate there at least once a week.

    Another weird thing back then was the Dairy Queen, just south of Tookies, was called Brazier Foods, but still had a DQ marquee and DQ branded menu items.

  4. Well this was just dumb. In what world does it make sense to protest a small government-operated office building (111 East Loop North) at "the" entrance to the Port of Houston, when there are seven interconnected entrances to that part of the Port complex...which itself is only a fraction the size of the entire port complex!?

    For that matter, why does it make sense to arrest or detain these completely ineffectual hipsters? It only furthers the delusion that they are making a difference...and worse still, journalists are just as oblivious to there being multiple entrances, so to the general public, it seems like 'Occupy Houston' is relevant, which in fact does make them relevant.

    When these hipsters start making more than half-hearted attempts at disrupting industrial operations, that's when I'll know that the 'Occupy' movement means to snowball into a force powerful enough to effect change. Right now, the whole thing just seems to be designed to get a rise out of gullible people. Its ridiculous.

    I once dated a girl whose father was a Port of Houston pilot. Her father, who liked to be addressed as "Captain", told me about a time when the pilots threathened to go on strike, and "shut the Port of Houston down". The port leadership listened and quickly met their demands.

    I guess it's all about what kind of power you really have, as compared to what type of power you wish you had.

  5. I was driving on the West Loop last week and noticed construction at the Episcopal High School campus. I was going too fast to actually look closely, however after checking their website, it appears a new building is being erected on the northwest corner of the property. Does anyone know what the fate of the original 1955 Marian High School building is? Looks like the 1930's convent and chapel are safe......for now.

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  6. I plan on being in the Feigen Center that day to watch the implosion. I'll be up on level 15 or so in one of the collaboration spaces. I'll even bring donuts.

    I also heard that the Hurd mural got damaged as they were packing it for transport. Apparently the packing material used to keep the mural from being scratched ingnited by friction and smoldered for some time before it was noticed. The restorers will have to deal with smoke damage once it arrives at the final destination.

    And I noticed today that if you look real hard at the top of the building you can barely make out the image of the Rock of Gibralta.

  7. I've been listening now for a few days. Hearing all those familar voices makes me feel at ease, like everthing is okay now. 92.1FM is my base radio station coming and going to work now. All of the changes to our radio market in the past few years has really been disturbing. It makes you loose trust, even with the advertisers.

    Michael Berry sucks and his decisions have ruined radio in Houston. How many Tea Party pep talk stations does one city need? Thanks Radio One!

  8. I ate a Woolworths too in the mid 80's, probably about 1986, when I was working on the Gulf Building remodel. We only had 30 minutes for lunch so it was an effort to find restaurants close by that could serve you in enough time to get back on the job without the foreman giving you the eye.

    Heah Little Frau? I've not seen anyone else on HAIF mention Dr. Wright's hospital before. My father was a patient in that hospital a couple of times when I was young. I remember it being on North Main on the west side of the street. It was a white building of 2 or 3 stories. Can't seem to spot it on Historic Arials though.

  9. The Prudential Building (Currently MD Anderson's Houston Main Building) is scheduled to be demolished on January 8th.

    Here's an article from Swamp Lot, and here's the safety perimeter map.

    I can see the Prudential building clearly from my lab at TCH but I'm inside the security perimeter so unfortunately I can't watch it from my lab. :( Does anybody have any good ideas about where the best place to watch the demolition will be?

    Why won't you be allowed to be in your lab on that day? Are TCH employees banned from entereing their own building? I have not heard that.

  10. The creation of Westbury High School mirrors the creation of Robert E. Lee High School. Westbury students were mostly former Bellaire students, while Lee students were mostly former Lamar pupils. The schools were built at the same time from money supplied by the same bond election, same architect, same floor plan, right down to similar mascots, Rebels vs Generals. Lee had the same conferate flags at pep rallies and adorned on similar uniforms. How creeepy is that?

    I also remember when the two schools played each other at fooball games, Westbury patrons would travel up Post Oak to Delmar stadium, waving conferdeate flags along the way, while Lee patrons would be doing the same back at them. Nobody thought anything about this being racist. However, I cringe now when I see some redneck displaying that flag today. It was just different back then.

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  11. I'm usually pretty conservative at least on fiscal issues. Socially I'm super-liberal although I do believe in obeying the law even if I don't believe the law is correct. The people I've seen at OWS on TV are not the kind I usually agree with. Of course we all know how reliable the CNN, MSNBC and FOX entertainment networks are.

    I find myself at least in part agreeing with the frustrations of OWS if not the tactics and solutions some of them are offering. The corporations are doing what they have to do to survive in the world we live in. They have to compete with the Chinese, Indians, Koreans, Japanese, etc... When my company laid me off 2 years ago even as they were hiring more people in Mumbai I wasn't surprised. What would I expect them to do? Keep paying me or hire someone else who may be 1/2 as talented but will work with no benefits for $10 a day? One of my bosses once told me that I may be irreplaceable but he could replace me with two people.

    The unemployment problem is not a U.S. Government problem, it's not a Corporate America problem. It's an India and China suck as a place to live because they are primitive cultures problem. Take that culture relativism. The world we live in is a brutal and disgusting place. I was in Naples Italy last week and saw shanty towns in the middle of dumps with children playing in the garbage just a few minutes from Pompeii. I wondered if those kids were better off then the ones that lived there 2000 years ago. I'm sure they'd love to come live in Zuccotti park.

    What's the solution? I don't know. Punishing Corporate America won't help. Higher taxes won't help. Taking money from rich people won't help. If I see even the slightest indication that my savings are going to be confiscated or taxed it will be turned into gold the next day. I started doing that in 2008 so I already have the mechanism in place. When gold went over $1k an ounce I stopped but I'm ready to start right back up if I need to. I have no problem taking it to the Middle East. I may not be able to get it all out of the country all at once but I'd get it eventually. I've got lots of friends over there and the food is good.

    Who's stopping you from leaving now?

  12. That is awsome. I never notice it before, and I even worked on a remodel in the Southern Pacific building back in the 80's before they moved out. I do remember a watch jeweler on the first floor that had only one customer......Southern Pacific.

    Good Find Chris

  13. This is a little off subject, but Niche made me remember something with his comment about Americans benefiting from exposure to more foreigners.

    My parents had bought a house in League City back in the early 70's. A young family next door, (with the encouragement of their pastor, we learned later) adopted a Vietnamese family right off of the boat. These newcomers spent most of their time outside, in the back or front yard of their host family. It was not unusaul to come home from school to find grandma squatting beside the house (near a hose bibb) cleaning fish that they caught out of the ditch down the street (Calder Rd). Not sure what was eadible out that body of water, but it didn't matter to them. These people took very little charity, other than a place to camp out. They were gone within a few months, assimilated into America, presumably.

    Not sure how much I benifitted from exposure to these foreingers, but those memories stay stuck in my mind.

    Thanks Niche!

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