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Everything posted by Zorin

  1. That would make the most sense, really. I'm sitting here, reading this thread, and wondering about the challenges of getting fuel tanks in the ground without disturbing things like the light rail system, and if the digging would compromise other foundations around the immediate area. Then, atop that, it really isn't big enough to be a good sized gas station........ This just seemed odd to me, but a charge station would seem....less odd?
  2. I remember when all of this was originally built, and so many people were vying for jobs at Compaq's assembly halls. Funny thing though - seems like I remember buildings on the east side of 249, kind of hidden in the wooden area - seems as if all that has been replaced by other stuff.
  3. Guilty pleasures that play in my pickup that most of my passengers question - Arco & Into the Ether - Pull Me Closer Sons Of Maria - Leave You Alone Ballpoint - Wantchya ELFL - Mega Woman IV Tigerblood Jewel - Virginia Highway Ikoliks - Driving Zone Safe to say that I don't listen to the Top 40 station.
  4. I work for da man, and I am also da man! Vacation? What's that? Between a full time job and owning a business, vacation seems like fantasy land!
  5. That's completely fair. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to nay-say in the least, rather I'm just trying wrap my head around the logistics of the situation given the massive amount of development that has taken place......and who knows what's coming!
  6. I'm beginning to question the actual viability of this project, just off of what I see in northwest Harris County. Playing around with alignment maps, it appears that the preferred route would roughly take it through the Dunham Pointe edition south of 290 and Mason Rd, then where the curve north starts, I'm having trouble discerning whether it would run through Grand Prairie or Jubilee. This is not mentioning other developments occurring on the northern side of 290. I realize none of this is set in stone so to speak, but would developers really be pouring truckloads of cash into developing these areas, unless they KNEW their developments would not be subject to eminent domain? Even if they did ED the land, they still have to pay fair market value, and going low at 250K per house, that will add up fast!
  7. Hi, everyone! As a landowner in Hockley, I have heard, and seen some interesting things, but one thing I NOT well-versed in is development! My particular land is not far from the intersection of Bauer Rd and Hopfe Rd, and the last time I was back down there, I collected a LOT of fascinating information. Currently, there is a brand new development going up more or less at that intersection, it is Bauer Meadows at the corner of Bauer Rd and Hopfe Rd. KB Homes shows this as only a few streets right now: https://www.kbhome.com/new-homes-houston/bauer-meadow#homesiteOptions However, the Google Earth image shows they obviously plan to go all the way with this. As a bonus, the pad site directly at Bauer (north/south road) and Hopfe (east/west road) is currently for sale as commercial, so say hello to a gas station and probably a Starby's! P.S. I know I'm new here, if I am not doing this right, tell me, and I'll fix it!
  8. This is still occurring. I have tried a couple of times over the last few days to register, and I continually do not pass the security check. How can I get this rectified? Thanks again!
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