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Mark F. Barnes

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Posts posted by Mark F. Barnes

  1. Depends on where you live, the further to the southeast you get it goes from a deliberate two syllable noun to a pure diphthong. Take your pick, all are correct. Our Arcadian brethren south of I-10 in the next state over, have their own pronunciation for everything. Like "New Awlins" and "Lousana". I think they say "By-you", you make the call.

  2. Can't blame the media for the panic of Rita. There was a huge knee jerk reaction in the wake of Katrina. Everyone saw firsthand what happens when you wait to late to leave. Harris County's evac plan was totally out of date, and the local OEM was not prepared whatsoever. Without the Media you have zero warning, until it's too late. NOLA got caught with their pants down with Katrina, and in a sense Harris County did with Rita. It exposed just how inadequate the OEM was in case of a real emergency, and how misinformed people were to the evac plans in place, and how out of date they were. If Rita would have hit Houston and come up the ship channel the way it did the Sabine river, it would have been a tragedy unseen in years. The media serves it's purpose. You just have to be able to judge for yourselves how to react to what they give you.

  3. Why should Oprah take Palin on her show?

    Isn't this a FREE country? Isn't Oprah just an entertainment show? It's not like Oprah is "Meet the Press."

    And, maybe Oprah IS PROMOTING THE BETTERMENT OF WOMEN by not having Palin on the show. After all, Palin is against the notion of equal pay for equal work. Palin is also against the right to choose even in instances of rape/incest. Palin is also notoriously against birth control.

    Using your one sided line of thinking, then why is it that Oprah says it's okay after the election? If she's that bad for women before, then what will the change be for after?

    Do you actually think things out before you say something, or are you just blinded by your total discontent with Republicans?

    Quit trying to defend Oprah's stance in Her saying her show isn't political, however her refusal appears to be directly political.

    This is the way it use to be, years ago. It didn't work because of opposing interests. I think it is an idea that deserves a second look.

    I'm all for a separate vote for both seats, this two for one special has never set well with me.

  4. OMG, now the media is leaking that there is speculation that Palin may have cheated in their eligibility in the Miss Wasilla beauty pageant in 1984. Can these people be serious.

    Newsflash, Oprah refused the networks request to have Palin on her show. This coming from a woman who swears her allegiance to working Mom's in her magazines, and is always promoting the betterment of women in the workplace. She said her show isn't about politics and she will gladly have her after the election. Guess her allegiance to Obama is bigger than hers to working moms and women. Imagine that! Oprah showing her true colors, no pun intended. If Palin is worth her salt, she'll tell Oprah to piss off after the election. The wife just threw all her Oprah magazines in the garbage, she's a little ticked off about it. I'm happy it makes more room for my Hot Rod Magazines in the holder. :lol:

  5. Well everything went good. I ended up proposing in the Rainforest Pyramid in Moody Gardens under a bunch of plant and flowers. I knew she was going to say yes but man was my heart beating. Thanks again everyone for the advice and making me feel a little at ease. Now its time to start planning for a wedding :)

    May I suggest the The Mermaid & Dolphin for a anniversary or Honeymoon place, me and the wife love it. We've stayed there many times.


  6. When I was a Teen you had three choices. Sears and Roebuck, F. W. Woolworth's, and the Feed Store. You could send off to a JC Penny's in Houston and get a pair of jeans. You could mail order Levis from Sears and Roebuck, F. W. Woolworth's wasn't much more than a five and dime, with a soda fountain, but they had some Wrangler Jeans. The feed store carried Lee bibs and Lee dungarees. Weren't any malls around back then.

  7. It's been a long summer. I realize how easy it is to forget Geraldine Ferraro's righteous indignation that Obama only got where he is because of his race.

    But, hey, I understand what y'all are saying. There are so few women qualified for the presidency that McCain had to go to Alaska to find one that met his high standards and whose policies and ideology matched his. But, I'm done with talking about McCain's VP. The McCain campaign is hiding her away, and that is good. Now, we can get back to concentrating on the 3rd Bush term that was working so well for McCain before this distraction came up.

    I put Ferraro right up there with Rush, when it comes to people taking her seriously. She's as bad out of touch as he, only her drug of choice is single malt scotch instead of Oxycontin and stupidity.

  8. A local boy was killed by a drunk driver while he was working. David Hall went by the name Chipmonk on another forum I am in. Members here Jakdad and 57Tbird also knew him there.

    HOUSTON -- A driver has been arrested and charged in the fatal hit-and-run of a Texas Department of Transportation worker, police told KPRC Local 2 Tuesday.

    Houston police said Ray Wilson, 71, ran over 42-year-old David Hall in the 100 block of North Travis at about 9:20 p.m. Saturday.


    If by chance he has family members on this forum, you have my deepest regards. Chipmonk was really liked over in the Speedzone. It's a sad thing death, especially to someone so young and undeserving. More tragic than his death is the pain of those left behind. When someone dies in a family, the whole family changes to try to adjust. That family member had played an important role. As the family grieves for the one who has passed away, they must accept the simple fact that nothing will ever be the same. Hopefully the transition will not be any more painful that it has to be.

  9. Red, I will get back to you on this, But there are jobs to be had and no one willing to fill them. But I'm headed over the Independence H-D to pick up my new Electra Glide. See you back in a couple of hours or so.

  10. And every singe drilling company, oil field service company, support service, etc., are short handed and hiring, the unemployed need to get off their ass and get a JOB! Almost every McDonald's you drive up to has a Help Wanted Sign in the window, grocery stores need help, Wal Mart is Hiring, Why is it the Help wanted classifieds in the papers are pages and pages long? If people want to work, they can work. If they want to sit on their lazy ass a become a statistic, they can do that too.

  11. OUCH.

    Shutting a rig down is not cheap, even for one day.

    I'm not sure how much, but I think in the tens of thousands.

    Paging Mark F. Barnes

    Just for reference sake.

    Depends on the Rig.

    Average Offshore: Cantilever Jack up about $285,000/day, Semi Submersible rig $375,000/day, and the Biggie, a drill ship is a cool half million per day. That's just your flat rig costs, that doesn't include the extra evac choppers @ $1200/hr and housing for the evacuees, usually an inland Holiday Inn or equivalent. It's been a busy season already, and it may even get worse as time goes by.

    It takes about 36 hours prior to evacuation to secure the rig for the storms, that includes taking on all ballast necessary to stabilize it for the rough ride. MMS requires a storm packer to be set sub sea. clear all the decks of cargo, in the case of Semi's and Ships, all Sub Sea BOP's are closed as well as a storm packer set, and all Mud Risers and umbilicals are retracted, everything is set on standby, with the exception of the cash register, and it is steadily clicking away. The numbers are staggering. I loathe Hurricane season, it's a nightmare.

  12. Stupid GOP.


    How many cease and desist letters do you need before you figure out you're supposed to ask permission.

    I was going to title this post, "Shor Down In Flames", until I realized that I did not have permission from AC/DC.

    Come on Red, you try to make it sound as though they've filed suit on the GOP or something. They give up rights to who plays their music or where it's played publicly, when they publish it. Now broadcasting it in a commercial is a different story. They can't do that. This was played at a public venue, it was a legally purchased copy of the song, which by purchasing gives you a license to play it, I guess it could be argued as to whether or not it was used for capital gain, rather than entertainment, but just a publisher not being happy about it is far from any legal action.

    From your link:

    "We have asked the Republican campaign publicly not to use our music. We

    hope our wishes will be honored," the group said in a statement that said they "condemn" the use of the song at the Republican convention.

    They can condemn it all they want, but I am not sure they have a legal leg to stand on. What do ye sayeth oh great barrister from the Tar Heal State? :lol::lol::lol:

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