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  1. Thanks, yeah I should have realized this. We ended up getting power Thursday. Better than some folks still waiting...
  2. She said at one time it was owned by one of the car dealers that are along the loop right there. And they used to store cars on it. She's not sure if they still own it or not. Makes sense if they store cars to clean it up, asphalt it, then put a fence around it.
  3. I forgot to ask her, but she's coming back today (still no power), I made a reminder to ask.
  4. I'm gonna be really pissed if they have power there, while our bldg of 200 people, which literally overlooks The RO, is going on Day Four of no power. But hey, "assessments" are currently under way.
  5. Are you talking about the strip of land behind Rover Oaks? I'd be stunned if they make that a road, when all it does it create a very minor shortcut between two roads that aren't that busy. I'll ask her, she's actually coming to stay with us (I'm in Brenham now) since they lost power again.
  6. I always say you can't have too many Bugatti dealers close by. 😏
  7. Which side of Rover Oaks is that on? I have a relative that works there I can ask what's going on.
  8. I'm confused. Looking at this pic (from @Geoff8201 above), are they building two buildings at once? There is the smaller, skinnier strip on the very west of the property (the only part that sticks out beyond the rectangle of the main area), and there is a slightly larger const area just to the left/east of it. What's what?
  9. I was hanging out at the front of this strip center just a few weeks ago. I'm sure they were wondering why I was loitering. It's next door to River Oaks Car Stereo. Small business, not only sells car stereos, but installs radar detectors (why I was there) and dash cams, etc. They also have a unique side business selling old hi-fi components. When I was there they had a 50 yr old McIntosh power amp for sale. Dropped my car off, and walked next door to find some shade and wait for my Uber. Strolled around and looked in the window of those businesses you pictured above. Kept waiting for security to run me off.😁
  10. Interesting find! It's amazing how one can live just blocks away from something, and not even know it exists.
  11. Ha! That shows how little you know. We would send our valets over, not our butlers. 😁🤣
  12. That's a very busy What-A-Burger. Cars lined up for lunch, and a steady stream of traffic the rest of the day. For many of the workers in this area, it's an affordable lunch spot. Unless (if/when) the lease drives them away, they will be there forever.
  13. Thanks for that. One of the few sub-forum I don't read are the Holy Places, so this is new to me. Appreciate the link.
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