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Posts posted by nativehou

  1. I say OYE OYE OYE to the 'Stros, but I personally prefer the view from right-field :)

    I like the view from right right field also, but the left-field view is the one I see each time I go, and it can be very nice. As it was last night in particular.

  2. You couldn't get this view at the dome...


    I know some of you hate the courthouse in the distance. But it's still a nice view on a nice night. We've had season tickets for several years, and I still like going. It's a great ballpark, IMHO.

    Go 'stros! Let's hope for a fun season.

  3. I can only assume that in the pool of prospective buyers, MCM aficianados are vastly outnumbered by the Pottery Barn crowd.

    This is so true, but hopefully it will change a little thanks to the good folks on this forum and at Houston Mod.

  4. [*]It actually pained me to trash(!) the light fixtures. I told my wife that we could sell the cooler ones on E-Bay, and she didn't believe me. She took 'em to the dump before I could do anything about it.

    Argh! I would have loved to have those! As would all of the mod furniture dealers in town. And they would have charged an arm and a leg for them -- I couldn't afford any of their fixtures that I wanted when I was shopping for one. I ended up buying a mod-ish fixture from IKEA :o

  5. But orange formica, well, you hit a very sore spot with me. I'd give anything to have the original kitchen in my house. It had coral formica. It's been gone 15 years now. Someday I will have to have it rebuilt. Their original kitchen was beautiful as far as I'm concerned, but I am not who they wanted to buy the house.

    My mod house has basically the original kitchen (but newer appliances). I love the fact that the cabinets are from the late 50s and I like my formica countertop -- it fits the house. But some friends and family members, upon seeing it for the first time, will actually say something like "oh, it's too bad your kitchen isn't as nice as the rest of your house." :blink:

  6. The "cluster effect" is key, Adams explained, for research purposes.

    "We have a massive intellectual research capacity on campus in veterinary medicine, medicine, agriculture, engineering and science within a five-minute walk," he said.

    The more of this that is brought to B-CS the better. Now they need to work on bringing better restaurants and entertainment facilities for all these well-paid intellectuals who are living there now. Hooters doesn't count :D

  7. Lucy is indeed coming to Houston -- to the Museum of Natural Science -- in August. It's going to be a blockbuster exhibit, so I would buy your tickets now.


    I had read recently about the furor in the scientific community over Lucy traveling to Houston. Some scientists say she's too fragile to travel. The museum negotiated with the Ethiopian government to seal the deal.

  8. Also, what other highrise slums exist downtown? Is the Montigue Hotel a slum? It looks like it from the street.

    In this thread's initial post, you asked about the Montagu Hotel. I had read articles in recent months about how the hotel is making somewhat of a comeback and is becoming popular with international business travelers looking for an affordable and convenient hotel.

    Here is the hotel's website:


  9. Congratulations! With a flat roof, it's difficult and expensive to make wiring and duct repairs. So don't spare any expense in your initial updates.

    I moved to a mod home from a traditional-style townhouse last summer and have loved being here from the get-go. Have fun!

  10. Is this rennovation still underway (or perhaps complete)?

    Even back in my day I couldn't wait to see this building revived.

    I truly hope it is still happening/has happened!

    The news is good. According to a recent HBJ:

    The Plaza Hotel has stood empty for years and was still vacant on its 80th birthday this week.

    But the historic structure in the Museum District will have some occupants for company upon turning 81.

    The landmark hostelry being redeveloped into office space is expecting an initial tenant by September. Tradition Bank will take the entire first floor, and has negotiated to change the building's name to Tradition Bank Plaza.

    Half of the nine-story building has already been leased, but the space won't be ready for occupancy until later this year.

    The old Plaza Hotel opened on Feb. 26, 1926, at 5020 Montrose Ave. It was modeled after the Ritz Carlton Hotel in New York and cost $1 million to build.

    When David Greenberg and Douglas Brown bought the 72,000-square-foot building two years ago, they projected a cost of $24 million to convert the property into a medical office building.

    Most of the tenants thus far are medical-related. The top floor will be a day surgery center. A plastic surgeon has leased all of the eighth floor. But other types of tenants -- such as the Tradition Bank, a day spa and Pinnacle Title -- are also moving into the octogenarian

  11. Does anyone remember a store called Sage? It was on the east side of the gulf freeway somewhere between edgebrook and shaver. It sat at a funny angle to the street and had a huge parking lot. I never went to that store and have no idea what they sold but I remember it being very big and always packed with cars.

    I grew up on the southeast side (Park Place and Reveille area) and my family shopped at Sage quite often in the 70s. I remember the pet shop within the store -- they sold fish and turtles and probably other things but that's what I remember. When they closed in the 80s I went to their final sale and bought one of the sets of lockers that were in the employee break room. I still have it in my garage -- it's moved with me several times!

  12. The house on Westminster was the kind of house that you hated to leave. The view of the bayou, the pool, the windows, the various levels, the granite tubs, etc. etc. I could go on and on. I certainly didn't relish the thought of going back to my cooped-up townhouse! The docent there said she's seen many mod houses in that area fall victim to the McMansion invasion -- thank goodness someone stepped up and saved this jewel.

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