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Posts posted by scottf

  1. First of all, learn to quote.

    Second, it just a message board, and I was only doing a little sports fan goading and ribbing, calm down Francis.

    Don't take the internet so seriously. Srsly bro. Bro, srsly.

    No harm no foul right?


    Jazz won again. How does that feel, Bro? (Did I quote right this time?) Go Jazz! :lol:

  2. At least this win will make me sleep easier. If they lost I would probably have gone to sleep pretending to punch Kirilenko's face to a pulp. Hell, I still might think about that before I go to bed.

    Great win Rockets!

    Carl Landry needs to keep playing like this. He looked like the Carl Landry from earlier in the season.

    Jazz in 5.

  3. <Raising Hand>

    I do care because 17 maybe not differ much from 19, but 33 does differ from 35. Late in a baseball player's career, declining performance increases quickly. Luckily we don't have him on a long contract but if we did, you can bet Drayton would be miffed. I'd say that would be a breach of contract.

    The ESPN setup interview was bush league. Miguel Tejada is a great guy and a great player. So he lied about his age, whatever. It happens all the time. Have you seen him play? What does his age matter if he continues to be the Astros MVP?

    Viva Tejada!

  4. The si.com 'experts' said it right, I think. They all said they couldn't say anything bad about any of the candidates and that they were all worthy, and that you can't argue against their pick with, "how could you not have picked..."

    So sure, give it to Kobe. But remember, like Bill Simmons said, it's not a lifetime achievment award, it's the MVP for one season, not a career.

    The best players in the league are Kobe, Lebron and Paul. While Kobe and Lebron are great, it looks like Paul is playing against 2nd graders out there. He's toys with his opponents. If he keeps it up, he will be the greatest pg ever and one of the best players ever. It'll be interesting to see how he plays in the clutch though, which is what will really set him apart.

    Kobe is the best player in the league and deserves MVP. CP3 is a great young talent. Deron Williams and CP3 are easily the best young point guards in the league and I look forward to watching both of them go head to head for years to come.

  5. You're not a very good troll. :rolleyes:

    Not a Rocket Hater. Just a Jazz Fan. Not trying to Troll. The Rockets just aren't very good. Go Astros. Go Texans. I only responded when I saw all of the whack Jazz postings prior to the series beginning.

    Thank you for calling me a bad troll. I've never been called a troll before. Gracias. :)

  6. At least Tracy McGrady is still playing... That was dumb. Stockton and Malone are retired and have NO chance at getting anything.

    True Dat. But D-Will, Boozer, AK-47, Ashton Kutcher, and Okur will all get rings. Probably more than one... :ph34r:

  7. Congrats on your looming first round win and getting to hang another banner.

    Call us when one of those banners says "NBA CHAMPIONS" on it.

    Congratulations on keeping the Clutch City years near and dear to your heart. But to paraphrase Rick Pitino...Olajawon, Drexler, Mad Max, Kenny Smith, Sam Cassell, Mario Elie, and Robert Horry aren't walking in the door any time soon. The T-Mac years will not bring any championship banners to the Toyota Center.

    The Utah Jazz have no championship banners. But this Utah Jazz team will hang championship banners. This latest Rockets team will not.

    One more point, I am not a Rockets hater. I just don't like the makeup of the team. Bad point guard. Wilting Superstar. Great Center. Not enough to get out of the first round.


    Bring out the flops!

    AK had a beautiful flop (got watch the highlights on NBA.com and see). With 35 seconds left, you don't call something that ticky-tack. Especially in a damn playoff game. Everything is allowed with 30 seconds to go in a playoff game. Tony Brothers is a horrible referee who has no business in the playoffs. He cost the Rockets a shot at the game. It was not a right call. Scola held his arm out and that dumb jizz player ran the other way (he actually ran into Scola).

    He snuck in under the arm, grabbed it and pulled it up with himself while jerking like he'd been hit, then looked at the refs with that freaking caveman rectangular mug of his and begged for the call. Bad call...the definition of flop.. What the entire Utah franchise has lived up, too. I'm glad Stockton and Malone have accounted for zero rings.

    Malone and Stockton have zero rings. Kind of like Tracy McGrady.

  8. First of all, you'd have to be complete moron to have expected us to have any chance in this series.

    Were were missing 2 of our 5 starters, one of whom is an all-star and the best center in the league.

    Second, none of the this is on T-mac, he's not a Jordan, a Kobe or a LeBron. He never was and never will be. His performance in yesterdays game was stellar in the first three quarters for who he is. As far as the fourth quarter, no player can hold an entire team on his shoulders for FOUR FULL QUARTERS, not even Jordan, so anyones an idiot whoever expects him to do so. ESPECIALLY against the Jazz.

    As far as his "supporting cast"? Aaron Brooks who looked like a 5th grader guarding the full-back Williams. Semi-retired Bobby Jackson who's never been a starter in his life. A 56 year old, 2 p.p.g. fossil guarding Carlos Boozer, lol. Landry, Hayes and Scola who couldnt make point blank layups to save their lives. And don't get me started on the 10 missed free throws that could have won the game.

    All in all, I say us only losing by six points show just how much the Jazz suck. <_<

    Jazz Suck? They just beat Houston twice at home. Granted, the Rockets really have no chance without Yao and Raefer, but I don't remember anyone on this forum saying that BEFORE the series began. As long as T-Mac is the focal point of the Rockets offense, the Rockets will always wilt in the fourth quarter and won't get out of the first round. The Rockets are Yao's team, not Tracy's team. Tracy should be traded.

    Go Jazz! :lol::lol::lol:

  9. We lost the first two at home. Sorry guys. :(


    At least you were man enough to represent. This forum has been awfully quiet since the first game.

    T-Mac wilts with pressure. He is not a superstar. Rockets have no chance without Yao. Make way for the Jazz sweep. Rockets don't have the heart to win in SLC.


  10. A few years ago when Kappa weekend was at it's peak, I was headed home from work and traffic on the Gulf Freeway was extremely heavy, even out past NASA Rd. 1. The traffic finally started moving somewhat, but only the two right lanes were picking up any speed. As I finally topped an overpass (FM 518), I could see the trouble up ahead. A stereotypical Olds 98 with the big wheels, was in the left lane, barely going 50mph, the two occupants with their seats way back, were oblivious to the massive back up they were causing. Just about then a Galveston County Sherriff's motorcycle came speeding up the shoulder and pulls in behind them, flashing his lights. The two startled youths pulled over to the far right only to see the cop speed off along with the rest of us following him.

    Another time my wife told me about a Kappa weekend event in Galveston. Shoppers at her store on 61st St. were coming inside complaining about a girl in the parking lot performing oral sex while a crowd watched and videotapped her talents.

    This is just a couple of the reasons we in Galveston County are glad Kappa (Beach Party) weekend is near it's end.

    Wow. Sounds great...Sorry my wife and son and I won't be able to attend... :unsure:

  11. Absolut has apologized.

    Absolut Apologizes

    It's too late for them to get my business back.

    The problem I have with this ad is that there are a lot of Mexicans who blame their problems on the U.S. They really think that if they just had the "good land" then Mexico would be just like the U.S. They don't realize that it has nothing to do with the land, it's their government that's holding them back. This ad capitalizes on their racist Anti-American sentiment.

    It capitalizes on their ignorance too. I didn't have a problem with the ad all that much until I just read the LA Times story. The Latino Marketing guru from Absolut was quite patronizing towards Americans not knowing their history. I have for a long time purchased Absolut in the big bottles. My wife is like Dude in Big Lebowski, she digs her White Russians. But no more with Absolut. I will switch to Tito's or Stoli from now on. Absolut has lost at least one customer in Texas over this. I bought quite a bit of Absolut in the past. She really does enjoy her White Russians...

  12. Don't disagree with the Jazz in 6 prediction...though I am always cautious when every "expert" at espn is picking the Jazz in 6 or 7... I also think the Spurs have no doubt taken the crown of flopping from the Jazz, though they win championships when they do it....maybe it is just Robert Horry...

    I do disagree that the Rockets are very far away from being a championship caliber team. They have some good young talent in Landry and Scola, plus Yao is pretty young and really coming into his own when he is on the court. Shane is a good role player and T-mac is still a great shooting guard especially if he is not the key to your offense in the playoffs and you don't ask him to "take over" games. That leaves the achilles heal of the Rockets which is solid point guard play...the Jazz have Williams who is excellent...Raefer was the key to the Rockets winning streak when he played as well as he possibly can...without him for two games in this series hurts badly (as crazy as that sounds) and as inconsistent as he is, a championship is out of the question. So really, I see the Rockets as one key piece away.

    Also, remember we were one of four teams to win in Utah this year (second game of the season but it counts) and we did win 55 games in the Western conference, so don't take us TOO lightly...

    Excellent post. I do think Yao is the best center in the league. As long as T-Mac isn't asked to be "the man" perhaps they are closer than I realize (once Yao returns). But I admit, maybe I am taking the Rockets a bit lightly this year. I'd much rather see the Jazz face off against the Rockets than the Spurs. If the Rockets are to beat the Jazz I will man up and take what's coming to me on this forum.

    I just don't want to see the Spurs win it again. I can't stand the Spurs.

    Go Texans!

  13. Gosh, you got me there.

    If the NBA handed out trophies for second-rounda championships, the Jazz humiliate us!

    Flopping only gets you so far, I guess.

    The Houston Rockets teams of the past were great. Great players, great coach, class organization. But it's going to be a long time before the Rockets see another championship. T-Mac is a lot like my beloved Karl Malone. I love Malone. He is my all time favorite player. But he just couldn't handle the pressure of the playoffs. He was inconsistent in the playoffs because he wasn't as mentally tough as say, Horry, Kobe, or even Barkley.

    The Jazz have never won a championship. Jordan and the Bulls stood in our way both times. But that is the past. I don't think the Jazz will win the championship this year either. But they are getting close. They are a great young team and they are on the cusp. I don't see the Rockets doing it in the T-Mac era.

    Just a bit about why a Jazz fan is posting on a Houston Forum. I was raised in Utah and have lived in Houston for five years or so. I root for the Rockets when they play anybody but the Jazz. I am a season ticket holder to the Texans and I love the Astros. But I grew up with the Jazz and they will always be my team. And yes, John Stockton mastered the art of flopping. But the present Jazz teams don't flop like the classic Stockton-Malone era. In my opinion, its the Spurs that have taken the flopping crown away from the Jazz.

    Again, Jazz in 6.

  14. Kirilenko continues the grand tradition of Jazz floppers...

    I believe Utah won that series against Golden State if I am not mistaken...How did the Rockets fare last year in the second round of the playoffs? Oh yeah...I forgot...they didn't make it to the second round because the Jazz beat them in game seven in the Toyota Center. Remember that?

  15. There really is a town called Cucamonga? I thought that was fiction. But then again, I thought that Timbuktu was fiction, but there really is a place with that name in the African country or Mali. But I'm only about halfway through the book. Maybe when it gets to California it will mention Cucamonga.

    True enough...the towns of Alta Loma, Etiwanda, and Cucamonga joined together and became the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Cucamonga is an American Indian word meaning (I think) sandy place and the prominent mountain in Cucamonga is called Mt. Cucamonga. The city was named after the Mountain. It's the most desirable city in one of the least desirable parts of Southern California.

  16. Karl Malone + John Stockton = ZERO rings! Hahahaha. Utah must realize that they have never one a championship.

    True enough...but the Jazz beat the Rockets last year and will do it again this year. D-Will is going to tear the Rockets apart. T-Mac is mentally weak and doesn't show up in big games. Jazz in 6.

  17. I've been on it from California to New Mexico. I used to live right off of Route 66 in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. Route 66 goes right through Cucamonga.

  18. As a native Utahn now living in Houston, Hakeem and The Rockets broke my heart many times as they would eliminate my Jazz from the playoffs. The year or two Jordan retired, Hakeem was easily the best player in the league. For a short period of time, he was as dominant as any player that has ever lived. Hakeem is the greatest center I've had the pleasure of watching in my lifetime. Much Respect Dream.

  19. Bad parenting is a much more volatile topic than this one. Almost everything a parent does influences their child's behavior to some extent. I think smoking indoors with kids is a bad idea, if not child abuse.

    Back to the topic, I've never looked into this, but are butts biodegradable worth a damn? I would hope so but from the trash I've seen I doubt it.

    I agree. I don't smoke indoors with my two children. Thank you for not taking a moralistic and judgemental approach to smokers and simply rightly ridiculing those who litter.

    I doubt that butts are biodegradable but I am not for certain.

  20. Smokers are addicts. Non-recovering addicts are selfish, self-centered people. Their world is centered around them. Hence, their right to pollute the enovironment at will, with smoke, ashes, and butts. Trying to reason with them is like going to a dry well and expecting to get water.

    Kudos to you, Dad, for being willing to pick up others' litter.

    While we are on the subject of smokers.............parents who smoke in the presence of their children are guilty of child abuse. When I see kids trapped in a car with smoke, I want to cry for those poor, innocent little ones. They have no choice in the matter and no advocate.

    Good topic.

    Maybe we should shoot them or at the least throw them in jail? We get it, you don't like us smokers...okay...whatever. Smoking is legal. Littering is not.

    I do agree that parents should never smoke in a vehicle with a child. Smoking in front of children as child abuse? I'm not buying that argument. If that is child abuse then so is being an obese parent and buying a child candy, cookies, ice cream, and high fat, high carb food. How far are you willing to go with your child abuse theory? If you have a fat child, that is child abuse far more so than smoking in front of them.

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