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Posts posted by scottf

  1. Hate isn't a strong enough word for how I feel about the Utah Jazz.

    I don't think I hate any team. The Spurs would be the closest I would come to hating a team but I respect them too much to hate them.

  2. Utah has to be so lucky. No Yao this series, Rafer injured for the second half, and three Rockets starters have to have surgery this offseason, and were playing on injuries.

    Good luck Utah against the Lakers. You are going to really need it.

    I like Utah's chances against the Lakers. It's the Spurs that I fear...So what do you think the Rockets need to do in the off season?

  3. So, are you going to Salt Lake for the 1st Round Playoff Winner banner hanging ceremony?

    In fact, I will be in Utah later this week but please allow me to clarify something. I realize your team hasn't been out of the first round in many, many years but in case you are confused or can't remember that long ago; they don't actually give out banners for getting out of the first round. They usually put banners up for Eastern/Western Conference Champions or World Champions. I do understand your confusion given your team hasn't sniffed the second round in over a decade.

    One more note, Championships won in the Jordan era when Jordan was playing baseball instead of basketball come with an asterisk, quite like the Spurs Championship of the strike shortened season, and aren't really championships at all, now are they? Or is that revisionist history?

    Clutch City! :P

  4. A depleted Rockets team made it a tough series for the Jazz! Congrats to the Rockets for a memorable season!

    I agree. The Rockets could have shut it down after Yao went down but they didn't. That is a credit to their coach and their team. They will be much better next year. But IMO they need to upgrade point guard, get a reliable 3 point shooter, and acquire bench depth.

    Congrats Rockets on a good season. Next year The Rockets will be a much more difficult team to beat.

  5. This was too funny not to repost. I saw it at utah board.


    Let's hope it's not true this year.

    I guess T-Mac gets another participation award. Jazz win. Just as I said they would. See you next year, Rockets. :lol::P:lol:

  6. Dude, it's Oakland.

    34,000 isn't all that small. Means they could sell out more. They've had to share a stadium for so long, and unless it was playoffs, never filled it up. 'Baseball village' sounds horrible. Mixed use, plus baseball? So, I buy my 1.5 million dollar apartment, and for that price I get amenities... like baseball players?

    Or just baseball ambience, like parking bullshit and expensive chili dogs?

    edit: my bad, 32K stadium. Still plenty big.

    32K is perfect for the Oakland A's. They just aren't that popular in the Bay Area. They are a distant second in popularity to the Giants. I don't think moving to Fremont is ideal either. Moving further south to San Jose would've allowed them to tap into the Silicon Valley money a bit more. But anything is better than that crappy stadium they share with the Raiders. "Mount Davis" the bleacher seats added for Raider games that they never fill, block what would be a beautiful view of the Oakland Hills. I almost got mugged right outside of Oakland Stadium but that's a whole other story...Oaktown!

  7. OK, so the results are in. We have 2 vote for upset with Absolut ad (disguised as calling it "idiotic"), and 1 vote not upset.

    Apparently all are OK with the Dynamo logo, including me. I got the hat.

    We have two revisionist historians, and several who merely enjoy the spoils of victory.

    Thank you for voting.

    Note to those who think the Houston Rockets were named after NASA. Not quite, but close. They were named for the rockets that were built in San Dieo, their original home. The rockets built in San Diego, however, WERE used by NASA. When the Rockets moved to Houston from San Diego, the name stuck.

    Perhaps if you are going to condescendingly denounce commonly accepted historical facts as revisionist you could enlighten us as to what is historically accurate?

    Does anyone really like that song they play at Texans games before kick off? The "Whoa oh oh oh...Whoa oh oh oh oh..." song? What is that song? Doesn't it sound remotely...uh...I don't know...less than masculine?

    Hopefully, the arbiters of appropriate forum etiquette will appreciate my attempts to get the thread back on topic. It's a little too early for me to talk x's and o's so I figured I would throw something out about the overall Texans experience.

  8. Looking for information on an old Houston club near the Texas Medical Center called Lamplight Club located at 7505 South Main St. This would have been in the 1950s through the 1960s. 

    Any stories to share? Pictures? Memories? Any info would be greatly appreciated!


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  9. Remember the Jazz were in New Orleans before they went to Utah. The name fit back then. They still blow as a team though.

    Yeah. The Utah Jazz never really has worked as a name, has it? Not a lot of Jazz in Utah. The name probably should've been changed when they moved from New Orleans. As the Wikipedia pages reads, "New Orleans has the Saints and Utah has the Jazz". Go figure.

    The aren't exactly lakes in Los Angeles either...They used to be the Minneapolis Lakers which makes more sense.

    I've always wondered, are there really Jaguars in Jacksonville?

  10. If "they're" living here, it wasn't "their" anything back then, but it's "their's" now.

    I went to several Dynamo games last season and have tickets for several more this year. So much for that red herring.

    I didn't blow a gasket over the Absolut ad, although I did think it was idiotic, just like opposition to the name "1836."

    I really like CDeb. I couldn't agree with CDeb's comments more. 1836 is the year we became The Republic of Texas by having a superior army and winning a just war. Santa Anna signed the treaty giving Texas sovereignty from Mexico after being captured as a prisoner of war. Had Santa Anna posted sentries during his armies siesta, perhaps, his army wouldn't have been routed at The Battle of San Jacinto and we would still be part of Mexico. But it is what it is. Maybe it's time to...um...I don't know... move on and get over it?

    1836 should be a badge of pride for all Texans. We are all Texans whether our ancestors were Hispanic or Anglo.

    The Absolut ad was idiotic as is opposition to the name 1836. I also agree with CDeb about the logo. The Dynamo logo is the bomb. :)

  11. Uhh... probably don't want to go there, Red.

    *cough* *cough* Calvin Murphy *cough* *cough*

    Funny! :lol:

    I have to admit, being a Utah Jazz fan, you probably know much more about character and integrity than us Rockets fans.

    Karl Malone - Father of the Year

    I assure you that I am the last person in this world that thinks he's a moral authority on anything. I just don't think you should call out the coach that has had your back all year after a particularly difficult loss. I'm not saying that makes T-Mac a bad guy or anything. I just think its bad for his team and doesn't make him look very good. The guys on 610 radio were ripping him apart for it. Perhaps they know more about character and integrity than I do.

  12. You said Jazz sweep. Then when the Rockets won Game 5, you said Jazz in 5. Now that the Rockets won game 5, you are now saying Jazz in 6.

    Yep. All over the map aren't I? Actually, I first said Jazz in six, then I guess I said sweep or five or something. Now I say six. Actually, I could care less as long as Jazz take care of business in SLC. I don't want to see a game 7 in TC. I don't like the Karma of that considering what happened last year.

  13. :rolleyes:

    And this was right before we won in SLC.

    You don't belong here.

    Damn! You are right! That's what happens when you post and drink I guess. I did say that...my bad...Jazz in 6.

    C'mon man, you know I belong here. This thread would be boring if you didn't have me to kick around. Besides, you and I are on the same team when it comes to the Texans thread and the Astros. I grew up in Utah. That's my team. As are the Texans and Astros. Rockets have played with a lot of heart. More than I would have expected. Adelman has been a great coach this year. But the Rockets need a reliable 3 point shooter, an upgrade at point guard, Yao back, and Scola to continue to improve. Landry in nice too. Next year they will be tougher. But they aren't getting pass the Jazz this year.


  14. Rockets completely destroy the Jazz, 69 - 95.

    I think thats what you call a BLOWOUT.

    A ROUT.


    Boy, the jzz really just gave up on this one. Just opened up a huge can of FAIL. This was supposed a SWEEP without Yao and we blew them out of the water? Looks like the Jazz are really choking.

    This jus gives the Lakers waayyy too much time to rest up and MURDER the Jazz.

    That is if they can even make it past A Yao-less Rockets. . . :lol:

    I never said sweep...I said Jazz in 6 and then after the first two I got greedy and said Jazz in 5. I will stand by my original prediction, Jazz in 6. Nice game in H-Town. Now let's see what happens in SLC.


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