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  1. I'm on Wakefield too. There is an upcoming demo on Ebony and Piney Woods, one was completed a few weeks back on the corner of Althea and Piney Woods. As for exisiting homes selling. You will note the ones not selling that are in good shape don't have 2 car garages and or 2 car WIDE driveways. The houses that were modifed years ago and eliminated the one car garage and just put up car ports aren't selling. The modified houses that are in GOOD shape and don't have garages BUT still have access to their back yard have a chance to sell. One house recently modified on Wakefield very near Rosslyn and added a 2 car garage to the back yard, and another house near Wakefield and Piney Woods gave up parking their 3 cars in the street and just finished widening their single drive to double wide, I don't believe they can get to their backyard for a garage. The 2 ugly houses side by side nearer to Ella can't have one house built on the 2 lots, I am pretty sure of that, but neither one is gonna fetch the price they currently have in place. Bet each sells for about 120,000.00 for land only. BUT they will have competition, there are 2 vacant lots ready for new homes off of Piney Woods (corner lots which allow drive access from side street). Now the lot at Ebony (close to train whistle) will in my opinion go for less than the one at Althea. I too love OF and am determined to keep my house as original as possible mine is the original slab but the one car garage was converted to a dining room and den with indoor laundry room. I fortunately have a oversized 2 car garage in the backyard.
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