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Posts posted by CaptainJilliams

  1. 1 minute ago, Mr.Clean19 said:

    Never saw the video on this. Also, no news since May. Anyone know if this is going anywhere?


    If this does ever happen, it's probably at least 4-5 years away from starting.


    I've been wrong many times before, but my gut tells me that this will probably never happen. If it does, it will be something far more underwhelming, as in something that looks very different from these initial renderings.


    I hope I'm wrong.

  2. 1 hour ago, Timoric said:

    On the other hand if you and few buddies chip in and buy a run down property as a pioneer and restore it, now is the best time to buy. 


    If I had the money and the skills I would love too. I'm all for restoring older buildings as well.

  3. ^ I hope some form of infill, hopefully in the form of a high rise, comes to fruition in this part of Midtown. This area desperately needs it.


    I went to Under the Radar Brewery a couple weekends ago and the area around the Wheeler light rail station made my skin crawl. A lot of trash, small camps, and pan handlers in a small area. Once the Sears is restored and other projects go up around it, I hope the area begins to see a turnaround. It feels really disconnecting to drive through all the new developments in Midtown (Australian High Rises, Camden, etc.) only to drive through this area on your way to TMC. 

  4. 9 hours ago, HNathoo said:

    Most of these lots are controlled by a Taiwanese Oil Company. They simply don't sell - I believe the Toyota Center land was owned by them and taken via eminent domain.


    So what you're saying is that without the government stepping in, those lots aren't going to be developed anytime soon.

  5. 39 minutes ago, Urbannizer said:


    I know it's probably just a fantasy, but I would love to see the 3 surface parking lots northeast of Root Square (Rockets Lot, Dallas Lot, and MIPS Lot) developed into a park that connected to Discovery Green. I know another garage would need to be built somewhere else, but it would allow for a more connected and livable downtown, especially if more residential projects popped up around it.

  6. It's becoming increasingly frustrating with every new press release that says "starting soon" or "ramping up" with this project. I'll I can ask is when exactly?


    This land is just screaming to be filled in with some kind of project, but year after year it just sits there with little or no activity. I want to have hope that this someday comes to fruition, but it just seems like it will be later rather than sooner. 

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