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Everything posted by desirous

  1. I'd stop by if Ike-cleanup hasn't kept me so amazingly awake. Good thing you'll be getting a Metrorail stop, if they ever get around to building it.
  2. My parents' house at Briargrove Park is still without power. Water is running. Unique thing about the neighborhood is they have gas streetlights that stayed on the entire time.
  3. Here's my three compilation videos, just uploaded: I had my window facing Chase Tower open much of the night. It got a little harrowing at times.
  4. Local 2, online. I have to refresh the page once in a while. For some reason the stream slows down my computer over time.
  5. When they think they're gonna die, they realize they still want you. :wub: Does anyone have a chainsaw I can borrow? I need to liberate my parents' house from terrorist trees.
  6. Or calling, in my case. Funny how life is -- the last time I spoke to her was during Rita.
  7. Are you in those new midrise apartments? Sounds like it's a good idea to live next to employment centers. Uptown was up early too.
  8. Here's the Obscene Ike XXX-travaganza Mostly downtown photos. A couple from Uptown/Memorial, and one of Dakota Lofts. Edit: what's this? The Diho Square sign on Bellaire @ Ranchester had blown down and was blocking all the westbound lanes.
  9. Didn't notice much damage on the north side. I was too lazy to walk around to the south side.
  10. I stopped by the Galleria earlier to see if everything was up and running. The answer is: YES!! It was like the Saturday before Christmas. It took 15 minutes to find parking, and the food court was jammed shoulder-to-shoulder in places. Half the stores were open. It looks like Uptown is coming back to life. My parents' condo on Richmond has regained power (though central A/C is down).
  11. Didn't see anything horrendous. I walked around the area today; Downtown overall didn't take that much damage, Chase Tower aside.
  12. That begs the question - did a vortex form at the same place on Travis St in past storms? It came and went several times in the span of about an hour.
  13. Yeah, I watched the tower explode. The waterspout got so bad at one point I had to shut my window.
  14. I have friends that live there. Power's out, nothing else bad. Seems like the area was so desolate, there wasn't much debris to work with.
  15. Streets are completely impassable here. Some fool tried to drive down Texas Ave and had four flats in about four seconds.
  16. Posted just when I got to bed. Something - SOMETHING - knocked out the wall of the State Bar. There's a gaping hole on the second floor now. It must've been a pretty big piece of furniture or something. Not much else. The sheriff won't let me get out of the building, so I can't explore. That is correct. There was an intermittent tornado on Travis for over an hour.
  17. I can't attest to the rest of downtown -- can't hike around, and I haven't been atop the Rice garage since the wind kicked up; but Chase Tower and the adjacent Chase Center are totally trashed. Even now, dozens of objects are blown out each second. I can't sleep with how many heavy objects slam into the pavement every minute. Wonder if Ike is any worse than Alicia in the glass department.
  18. Downtown is still powered, so is the Med Center. Not much else. ABC didn't interview me; it must've been my neighbor Steve.
  19. Good God, a massive updraft just severely rattled my window here at the Rice. 20+ floors of Chase Tower are completely gutted. I'm logging off too.
  20. I sent in video of Chase Tower to Local 2. It's crap quality though. Here is one of the clips: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1spwXBS_8A
  21. I live at the Rice Hotel. I'm watching Chase Tower getting completely trashed right out my window. A small tornado repeatedly forms on Travis St, each time blowing out more windows. A copier(?) just flew out a window and landed half a block down Texas Ave. Edit: first power blink downtown. All utilities still functioning.
  22. ____, furniture is falling out of Chase Tower.
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