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Everything posted by JD06

  1. Is there any way to motivate that guy to paint his house? Or move the junked cars in his yard? I heard the interior is supposed to be in good shape, but he keeps the outside in a shoddy condition as a way of fooling the taxman. It's a shame that such a beautiful place in a really prominent location is owned by, well, trash... seems like there's a lot of that in the neighborhood, unfortunately.
  2. Shotgun Kroge's has a nice ring to it, but how about some alliteration? Krappy Kroger just rolls off the tongue! I bought some expired yogurt there this morning, actually...
  3. I would guess that this is already in the forum, but I can't find it and I figure it's a good topic for the East End section. I remember hearing about the new soccer stadium going in across 59 from the ballpark (and thankfully not Gus Wortham). Is this true and, if so, does anyone know a schedule? As a side note, any speculation on what this will do for the East End? I guess it will be the first rail stop out of downtown, no?
  4. Ha! Wouldn't that be great? Certainly a prime spot for a residential tower, with close proximity to downtown and I-45. Plus it would have some great views of downtown and the Med Center, with UH as a front yard... Investors with deep pockets, are you out there??? Along those same lines, I heard that Finger's is selling off/closing the back half of their store and consolidating the bulk of the company in Sugar Land. Anyone know if this is true? And if so, what's to become of the property?
  5. Just wondering about the status of the recently cleared area on Cullen across from Finger Furniture. I think it's for sale; any idea on its future?
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