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Posts posted by houston-development

  1. slightly off topic but more of a confirmation that westcreek apartments are not a part of this development.

    hbj link

    Trademark, which was not the highest bidder on Westcreek, was already planning to do a mixed-use development next door on the old Central Ford site at 4410 Westheimer. In fact, sources say, Trademark and Cypress discussed a joint development of their sites, but that deal did not materialize.


  2. My two cents:

    Merely claiming that a source is "one you deem reliable" does not, in fact, make the information any more credible.

    My suggestion would be to support the credibility of a source by more than hollow assertions.

    my two cents:

    as someone who has given this forum plenty of inside information, in which i will put my accuracy rate up against anyone, without ever asking nor expecting for anything in return, take your suggestion and shove it where the sun don't shine.

    have a nice day.

  3. walmart does have a new concept store, which i believe is called "the market". high end wines, organic food, and gourmet like goods. the one i saw was in bentonville: free-standing, about 10-15k sq ft in size, very up-scale, and in all honesty, i couldnt believe it was a walmart.



  4. well since this thread has gone completely off topic, im gonna add my $0.02

    when i first moved back to midtown, i enjoyed walking to the store, starbucks, bank, restaurants, etc. however, after being greeted by numerous :insert pc term:, i decided that enough was enough. while it would actually be easier to walk two blocks down, i get into my car and drive to my destination.

    regardless of what is built and how pedestrian friendly the establishment is, people will get sick and tired of being begged for spare change.


  5. Here is the latest from what i have heard:

    New Partner in the deal. That's right, new partner with new money. And no real contracts at this point.

    I must say I feel less confident in this info than normal, but source held firm even when I told him he was full of ^$#.


    prior to selling oak lane, mike was scratching to find equity... maybe he didnt pull out that much equity from it..

    as i said somewhere in this thread, most of the "buyers" were left-over from the proposed highrise at the houstonian. those guys were pretty tough and one of the reasons the deal failed.

    if the buyers arent real and they cant get the presales, the deal will not get financed.

  6. It is not personal at all. the best part about this forum is the free and open exchange of gossip, information, facts, speculation, everything. We all can then have the benefit of being able to read chrnologically through the discussion and see what turned out to be the case.

    Houston Development has been right a lot, however, he was wrong about the funding of this project...No one can be right 100% of the time ;)

    We are all only as good/correct/smart as the information we have that allows us to form the opinion. I believe that my information is better than most, but that doesn't make it so. i'm not asking that you believe everything i say. However, go back and review my posts and i will stand by the content of all of them....even the ones about getting rid of the people begging for money in traffic, but i digress... :D

    More later.





    but seriously, ill elaborate. allegedly, freemont has approved financing and atlas sold a portion of oak lane (+/- 5 a) to zom for redevelopment. so in theory, his has financing and equity in place. i am confident the deal will move forward HOWEVER if he doesnt hit his presales number, the deal is dead.

    tnj is absolutely correct when it comes down to our information. hence the reason i never give a 100% certainty unless im that confident in my source (ie downtown park and fingers tower) :ph34r:

  7. i did a quick search for the thread but was unable to find it. might as well update it here...

    from a source that i consider extremely reliable, especially for this deal, the downtown park will have a ground breaking in august of this year. there could be a setback but they are moving forward without a doubt.

    additionally, they will have a city-wide naming contest for the park.

    finally, and more on topic, fingers deal will break ground shortly after the park does. finger has the option to purchase / lease adjacent land and will if phase 1 performs well. it will not be named the park tower because of a conflict with an existing building with the same name.

    this message will self destruct in 5....4....



  8. How do you figure that the odds are for this one?

    about 90%... he had some major issues that recently got resolved. he is going to start clearing the site soon, BUT he will not technically break ground for another 9 to 12 months.

    the property will be on three blocks with the main building wrapped around a 6-storey parking garage and the other two connected with catwalks. he will have the swimming pool on top of the garage with some pretty sweet views.

    not saying its the "right" way to build it but different strokes for different folks.


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