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Posts posted by LTAWACS

  1. You won't find any proof because "demographic center" is a vague marketing phrase. You need to be able to define what it means before you can prove it. Further, not sure why you choose to call it "Shitty Centre" when you admitted earlier that you've never visited it. Since it's clearly not worth your time to drive 15 minutes, let me assure you that "Shitty Centre" is everything that you hope that West Ave, Regent Square, and other pending inside the loop developments hope to be when they grow up.

    It was a slip of the tongue.

  2. My bad, I thought you were flaming me, sorry if I was a dick about it. No need for choice words.

    As to where the numbers came from, ultimately I do not know but I got them from a promotional pdf issued by CityCenter on their website very early on. It isn't up anymore and can't remember if the sourced thier data.

    No worries. Not only would you feel hot when I'm flaming you... but cool at the same time... :)

    Anyway... I will do some digging to find this demographic center of Houston... Im sure it's not way out there in Shitty Centre... I can look at a map of the Houston metro and tell you that it's not... just have to prove it... if so... then they are liars...

  3. I must ask... do you think this a good thing or a bad thing... in the long run... say... 10 - 20 years from now... do you think this would enhance or detract from our general population's overall IQ.

  4. That's about a wide of a generalization as I've ever seen. Since several Katy-area churches feed/support the homeless, it's hypocritical that other residents of Katy protest HUD housing in their neighborhood? Here's a thought - maybe, just maybe, they aren't the same people.

    Maybe not all. Maybe some are. Where is TheNiche and his simple Venn diagrams when you need him?

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  5. The debate deal is pissing me off. It's happening all over America. Candidates are refusing to debate. They are refusing to speak with the media. They are refusing to talk about their history, records, resumes, etc... And yet folks will flock to the polls to vote for them.

    What should we do? Who do they think they are avoiding the media or not even answering questions???

  6. Am I supposed to be "this guy"?

    You calling me confused LOL?!

    And my response to you two bloody years ago on this very same matter...

    So... when you say "This Guy' doesn't know the difference, you'd better be describing yourself.

    I was not describing you. However if you so wish I do have some choice terms I can use. I'd rather not use them here though. I wonder as to the source of this "demographic center of the Houston area"?

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