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Posts posted by LTAWACS

  1. Everyone is missing it.

    I work downtown and live nearby - downtown will never be vibrant (except for the tunnels/park shops at lunch) because of all the homeless and vagrants. At least a few times a week, I am having to push off beggers walking to lunch with co-workers.

    The city refuses to deal with the problem. It's freakin unreal over near the ballpark. I've seen hundreds just sleeping on the side of the road and in every corner. There are several 1000 downtown because thats where all the handouts are located (particularly near the ballpark). What the city and all the churches that come down there to feed them dont get is that they just make the problem worse.

    I wouldn't give anyone anything - they should make them earn it somehow.

    I agree with you. They spread filth, disease, and bad morals to everyone around them. I never give them anything. Those churches that come to downtown from way in the hell out there (katy) should be castigated.

  2. Yes, the Transwestern/Kirksey team was one of the final four selected by METRO from dozens of applicants to present competing plans. In 2006, I think it was. After each of these firms had spent gobs of money to plan a development that only might have been selected (which is your cue that METRO was fully planning on selling the land below market value), an engineering report came out that determined that METRO's seven-figure expenditure to over-engineer the transit center so that a highrise could be built directly on top of it without interrupting service was wholly inadequate to that purpose. All of the proposed projects were too tall and too heavy to be feasible on the site. By that time, however, the point was moot. METRO had not communicated their intent to build an under-parked highrise with the Texas Medical Center, Inc. (per a written agreement) and so the TMC exercised their right to veto the project.

    Is there anything - ANYTHING - the Metro cannot bungle?

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