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Everything posted by woolie

  1. Whoever suggested dismantling HP, then spreading outwards in a shockwave of radical deconstruction had a great idea. This city isn't salvageable, probably best to tear it down and start over. Once everything to the beltway is gone and Allen's landing is once again a mosquito infested swamp, once all evidence of human habitation in this place has long been erased from history, then this failed 170-year experiment in speculative real-estate can be forgotten, and at last the great rebirth of Houston can begin.
  2. Key Maps books don't have full support for KML. I doubt they will any time soon. I spent enough time in the sticks during the first 18 years of my life. Not in a hurry to get back. I rarely leave the loop.
  3. I've had Gps and google maps on my blackberry and now iPhone (on which I type this) for several years at no cost above base data rate. Couldn't live without it.
  4. I think it's boring and too short. But at least it's taking up blocks.
  5. Nice to have this kind of business, but often complicates parking at Cali's... grumble, grumble...
  6. Nice rendering. Looking forward to watching my gentrif... er.. develop to its best and highest use.
  7. Midtown/Baldwin Park area. I haven't decided if I'm leaving for Dallas or not yet. My house is open floor plan with no windowless spaces.
  8. I'm a homeowner in this part of town nowadays.. hopefully I'll stay here long enough to realize any gains from these big apartment buildings being laid down on the superblocks.
  9. Yes, the 1836-2049 period was tough on the arts.
  10. I live in the area, and I use the McGowen station every day to get to work. Here's hoping (again) it finally gets off the ground. Anything is better than the superblock. They should also move the postal office on the nearby Crawford/McGowen superblock. Totally inefficient use of land -- mostly surface parking, and even partially unpaved, empty grass lot.
  11. This has not been my impression at all. I've found the Wheeler Fiesta to have consistently high quality produce -- better than "Pee On Me" Kroger's, at the very least.
  12. took it during a meeting in their 11th floor conference room last Friday... 5 shots from my pocket cam (fuji f20) stitched together, with some generous processing in PS. The stitching could be improved if you care to look closely enough...
  13. I live like 5 blocks outside the CBD. Much nicer than actually in the CBD.
  14. I was about half-serious.. half-wishing.
  15. Here's what I like most about the park. It's a completely meta thing. Perhaps for the first time in the history of the universe, Houstonians will begin to value public space, and understand the commitments required. Maybe some visitors will have their eyes opened -- people who have never spent more than a day outside a soulless tract subdivision outside the beltway -- will perhaps think, "maybe there's something to this whole urban thing."
  16. I barely had any household income until the girl finished her masters.... anyway, DG was definitely a factor in choosing that neighborhood. It's an easy 5-10 minute ride, depending on stop lights. I think the houses on the market there are actually a bit undervalued given the amount of amazing public space they are close to. I was going to grab a bite to eat at the Lakehouse Cafe (?), the less expensive of the two restaurants, but I forgot both my wallet and a bike lock. Maybe next time. Let me complete my report: it was 5:30pm on a Tuesday and there were perhaps 100 people in the park, spread out over the different areas. Alot of people at the wine bar -- I imagine this will be *very* popular. Some people lounging on the wooden deck areas, and a couple families having picnics in the grassy area near the Sarofim mister. Maybe 20 kids in the playground area. I'll go again later this week with my camera.
  17. I rode my bike to DG today, with a quick stop off at Baldwin. DG is fantastic. A beautiful asset for a city. It, with attendant development, has completely transformed one of downtown's most desolate areas. My new house is just under a mile from DG, and 2 blocks from Baldwin. I'm really satisfied with the location. I should be moving in next week.
  18. I haven't been to the South Campus -- didn't realize so much was going up. There are still several places in TMC Proper that I think could use infill, though.
  19. I think this is the single most urbane structure Houston has seen in years. I live close to it and happened to drive by several times today.
  20. They closed off most of the area around the lake now, for the next year or so.
  21. Sigh. Hard to believe that those parking lots were once things of value.
  22. let me clarify, "relatively more favorable than when gas prices were low," not "absolutely favorable in all scenarios"
  23. of course there are many variables, it's a complex system. but generally speaking, if someone has the choice between either rail or truck and isn't fundamentally tied to one or the other for logistical reasons or time sensitivity, high fuel costs make rail more favorable. I'm amenable to heavy investment in our freight rail infrastructure... maybe even electrified... but everyone here already knows I'm afraid of the peak oil and climate change boogeymen.
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