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Everything posted by swg

  1. Congratulations on purchasing your starter home. Everyone has to start somewhere, although my concern with these type developments (Remington Ranch) is the uniformity of design, and no trees in sight. Make SURE you hire a very qualified home inspector to follow EVERY step of construction on a new home. I used to build homes, and I know first hand from working with a local large production builder that most Superintendents/Builders are carrying too many homes to truly be conscious of "quality". They are concerned with how fast the home is built, because that is where they make their money. Do not be fooled. I am not telling you that KHOV/Brighton/Parkside is a bad builder. I don't know anything about them personally, but I do know the industry, and have been involved in Houston construction for almost 15 years, and I can tell you that you will not see many "older" Superintendents/Builders working for production/tract builders. There is a reason there that you may not be aware of. The average "builder" is under 30 years of age, and has been in the business less than 5 years. Don't put all your trust in the "salesperson", they have NOTHING to do with the actual construction of your home. You get what you pay for. You can still get a quality, affordable home, but make sure you do your research.
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