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Posts posted by MiDTOWNeR

  1. I have an idea for a Youtube video.

    * First get shots of the lady panhandling

    * Several minutes later, show a clip of the same woman driving a car

    Perhaps a message at the end could say "Some beggars have more money than you think!" or something to that effect!

    By the way, Lisa Gray had a column in the Houston Chronicle stating that the city did not try enough measures to take the "35%" (mentally ill) homeless off of city streets.

    "HOUSTON PANHANDLER BUSTED!!!" would get more views and attention.

  2. I found this in The Woodlands Conroe forum. It was posted in 2005 by Jonah and nobody post back so I am puting it up again since I live in the Humble/Kingwood/Atascocita area so I am excited about this project. Looks like its moving along nicely and the web site seems like its almost done and I think people will like it so here it is.


    This is the Brownstone Living at Kings Harbor


    Some nice places to eat on Lake Houston

    http://www.kings-harbor.com/ is the project homepage

    So, far it looks more like a business park. But maybe what im looking at is strictly office space...but i thought perhaps retail would be on the bottom...if that is the case....it looks like a business park. But the new apartments they are building look nice.

  3. it is the people who believe everything should be "urban" development who want this. it has to make economic sense for a business to come in. not having parking will definitely limit their customer base which doesn't make sense economically.

    YEAH! We can't have the suburb of midtown ghetting all urban on us yokels.

  4. Sawyer Heights Village will be an urban shopping center, similar in style to Highland Village and Town & Country Villages, Moss says. The developer is turning Taylor/Sawyer into a heavily landscaped boulevard with brick roadways, and has designs to make the entire project pedestrian-friendly.

    This just makes me laugh. The idea that any shopping center anchored by a target would remotely be like a highland village is simply hilarious...Especially in this location.

  5. Regarding something like a 24 hour Galleria and the conservative ascriptions thereof...it's not just a Houston thing...America in general is conservative in terms of keeping late hours with the total exception of New York and Las Vegas. Driving down Wilshire in LA through Beverly Hills at 11 pm most nights is even a bit deader than nocturnal 610 and Westheimer. Of course, Vegas is sort of artificial with no real culture and the gambling is something that keeps people up for days on end. New York...if you lived there, how can you sleep anyway?

    From San Diego to Tampa Bay...people who spend the upscale money go to bed early typically...or they certainly do not keep in mind buying that pair of thousand dollar gloves at 3:30 am. It's not a "conservative Houston" thing per se. In Spain, people get socially started for the night at midnight! So no, this is America where the underlying Anglo Puritan heritage makes most of us in bed by 9 or 10 pm (except those of us who work 2nd or 3rd shift hours...and that demographic certainly ain't no Tiffany or Cartier shopping one!).

    The Galleria itself is private property so I don't see that Swedish type of right-to-the-land thing applying to it in a 24 hour context anyway. It's not profitable to the property owners or merchants.

    So, your saying that the high end stores similar to what one would find in Beverly Hills are open late or 24 hrs in New York City?

  6. It is the poorest and most undeveloped third world countries that pose the greatest military risks because 1) they don't have much to lose, and 2) the governments are weak or inherently unstable with few checks on power.

    Dont forget a possible #3) The rhetoric and threats from the poorest third world countires rallies it's people to further support their governments in turn allowing their governments to do whatever they want. Wait, that happens here. We just sit here and talk about how we(as people) should do more to keep our government in check and dont. oh well. build the dang road and let the jobs drive south & north.

  7. You are correct. The connections protrude from the ground.

    You'd probably be surprised to learn this (I certainly was), but apartment complexes with visibility from freeways lease up very quickly and maintain a higher level of occupancy. A site with that kind of visibility is just a variant of outdoor advertising...and a very effective one at that.

    that did not work for the "lofts" at 59 and 610.

  8. There seems to be a hostile vibe, where you wouldn't want to look at someone the wrong way or you try to be careful about what you say to strangers you encounter as you are out doing the nightlife thing.

    AMEN to that! Everyone seems so unhappy or pissed off. Very uninviting.

  9. Very true. I suppose my point was more that, typically when you see a reference to Houston, the first thing mentioned is oil, cowboys, etc., and it doesn't stray far from there. Not that there's anything negative about that, since it is a huge part of what this city is. However, there are many other fantastic aspects of this city, and it's nice to see a write up in a major publication about another of these.

    Don't you think that to a great extent every city is mischaracterized to some degree or another. It is impossible for those outside Houston to understand all that you or you or whomever think it has to offer.

    But we are extremely cautious and are proceeding much more carefully than our last great success.

    Oh good grief, you believe that, or do you WANT to believe that. We all live in the moment. History reapeats itself...this much we know.

  10. You can debate this locale or that locale...it is the people in Houston...especially those with mentalities like what is being epxressed on this thread that make this place not cool. AGAIN, stop trying so hard.

    "No, bbbbbbut wait, kemah is only cool in that way that Santa Monica Pier is cool, YO" Neither are cool.

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