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Posts posted by HoustonIsHome

  1. And I am in the "keep them" camp. Not so that they maintain the Maritime Theme... More that they give interest to an otherwise huge unremarkable structure. However, maybe we should amp up the Ocean Liner Design and add three large smokestacks, punch more portholes in the hull, surround it by water and rename it the SS Unsinkable GR Brown.

    Now that's what I'm talking about. Without embellishments, the building is a boring great wHite whale. We should add more instead of making the building less interesting

  2. The three new buildings already give the walk from Bell station to DTC a different feel. Hopefully the other residential on main across from the DTC doesn't get delayed.

    I used to look out the window at the Bell stop and wonder why on earth would there be a stop here. All four sides were just empty lots.

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  3. The picture these were replying to was taken from south downtown, near St Joseph (what looked like the grass field for 1811 San Jacinto. There are still unburied utility lines there, either power or telephone or both. I'm sure as those blocks get developed more the lines will go underground

    You are absolutely correct. None of those lines were temporary or construction related. All were regular utility lines. Yeah, like I said earlier as this area goes up , I am sure the lines will go down.

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