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Posts posted by smartalek

  1. I'd love to see that, a HAILOFT system, just completely smothering the whole kitchen, it would take a HazMat team to clean up the mess. :D

    Could it have been a notification device for a hearing impaired person? Maybe when the telephone rang the light would go on. Just a thought. Were we that socially conscious then?

  2. Maybe 1217 St Joseph does not correspond with old Calhoun address. In 1941 city directory the is no 1217, but a 1212. 1209 Calhoun has a sourthwest Printing Plant, Correll Newsprint co and Pierce Allyn typsetting. I bet this building was something like small business. Looks like architecture from that period. Oh World.

  3. Under the "Daddy, what was Sakowitz like?" category, I can offer the following.

    (it seems that I cannot use the %7Boption%7D tag to post an image, so please click away at the links)

    Sakowitz 1

    Sakowitz 2

    Sakowitz 3

    Sakowitz 4

    Sakowitz 5

    Sakowitz 6

    Sakowitz 7

    Sakowitz 8

    And for those of you who dont live in Houston, here is a clean scan of the 002 article

    Fabulous pictures. Reminds me of the department store scene in "The Women" "Zips up the back, no bones"

  4. I barely remember Battlestein's. Most of my memories of it are from after they were bought out by Frost and the stores were renamed under the Frost name for a few years before Frost finally went under.

    While we're on the topic, remember Joske's? They were acquired by Dillard's about 1987, giving Dillard's an instant presence in cities like Houston and San Antonio where they hadn't really expanded yet. Some of the old Joske's stores that converted to Dillard's are closed now (Northline, Westwood) but some are sitll around like Post Oak and Greenspoint.

    The wonderful flagship store in San Antonio was ruined when Dillards took over and stripped it of character. This is the wonderful large building on the corner of commerce and Alamo.

    • People who post on this board who can't spell and use such incorrect grammar it makes understanding their posts a real chore.
    • People waiting to get on an elevator or MetroRail who rush to get on as soon as the door opens without letting those who are trying to get off do so first.
    • Red light runners.
    • People who block an intersection with their car when the light a block ahead of them turns red and they can't move. This just makes traffic worse and is illegal. You aren't supposed to enter an intersection unless you can completely clear it. I don't care if the light is yellow and about to turn red. Why are you so special that you hold up dozens of other people to get to your destination 30 seconds faster?
    • Drivers who use a shoulder or lane that is moving to cut ahead of a lane that is leading to an exit ramp that is backed up. Then at the last second they slam on their brakes and try to cut back into the exit ramp. This not only makes congestion worse, it's inconsiderate (again, why are you so special you can't be patient and wait like everyone else), and it's dangerous as hell. I almost hit one of these assholes on the west loop the other day when he slammed on his brakes and tried to cut back into the ramp to the Southwest Freeway that was backed up.
    • Tow trucks racing to the scene of an accident. At least the mayor's new towing plan seems to have helped this one.
    • Drivers who don't use turn signals.
    • At this point maybe I should just say "most Houston drivers."
    • Bus riders sitting in the back of the bus who refuse to use the back door to exit at their stop, and then try to squeeze past the people who are getting on as they are paying their fares. Have we not learned what that back door is for?
    • Parents who bring young children to movies that are made for adults and inappropriate for little kids. Yesterday I went to see Saw and had to listen to a five year old screaming throughout much of the movie. A child of that age shouldn't be in a film like that, and it's very inconsiderate of the parents to bring a screaming kid into a movie with other people. Hire a babysitter! If you can't find one, then don't go to a movie made for adults -- go see a kiddie flick. People who don't turn off cell phones in movie theaters rank up there too.

    The only one I could add is the people who throw their cigarette butts out the window

    • Thanks 1
  5. oooh yes - i also have a tip that there are a couple (somewhat expensive) copies of the howard barnstone book available in houston (ask me if you're interested).  i thought about getting one, but i can't justify spending that much money on it!

    anyhow, there are surely at least a few local architects/historians that would be interested (not to mention us amateurs!)...i am trying to think how to contact them

    There are two local organizations that could be of service.

    Historic Houston headed by Lynn Edmonson sorry dont have a link but they have a website.

    Greater Houston Preservation Alliance, also has web site

    Stephen Fox at Rice University Architecture Department.

    City Preservation Department and Rany Pace can be of service :)

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