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Everything posted by Jeebus

  1. Okay, now we can start getting excited.
  2. Oh I agree. I was being facetious. I've been told that there is a waiting list years long just to get season tickets there. I believe the city's population is around 93k?
  3. Just inside the Beltway at Westheimer is that 100+ acre tract called West8. They've yet to develop it however. If what you say is true about Westchase commercial space being at full capacity, I wonder if this will push the development of that land?
  4. Well, Stratford is in Spring Branch ISD, so that could be the first part of a possible solution. What "social problems" are kids reporting from there? Also, what programs are you worried would not be at a school like Stratford that they're currently involved in now?
  5. Heaven forbid you subject your children to the hell known as public school. Even worse, that you would consider a slum like Stratford!
  6. Yeah, they did look deciduous, and possibly conifner. I thought the new rumor was having the rail run down Richmond? Westheimer would look great with the rail, but how would all those people get off, and across the street?
  7. Why not have it in Green Bay? Its the only stadium owned by the citizens of Green Bay - not some old white guy.
  8. lol.. just keeping it real!
  9. Come on, surely we're not implying that Spanish Conquistidors were the first to inhabit Mexico are we? Here are my notes:Languages
  10. Then that would be English.
  11. Actually Mandarin Chinese is the most spoken language in the world. Spanish ranks fourth behind English & Hindu, repsectively.
  12. I was driving along Westheimer yesterday and saw that the Westchase Development District has planted trees in the center median from around Kirkwood to Wilcrest. They looked either like Cypress or Fir, but they were bare so I couldn't tell.
  13. Why? Gay people like mods, so I would assume gay people live in Memorial Bend. He already said that he's "allergic to homo's".
  14. Your post is uninformed and borderline predjudiced. If you're worried about someone with no insurance hitting you, then get the uninsured motorist insurance. Don't think for a second that illegal aliens are the only ones driving. At $100.00 a month or more, many poor U.S. citizens are driving without insurance. This is the most uneducated statement someone could make. The homeless are more of a drain on our society because they contribute nothing back to society. As Danax noted above, at least our illegal hispanic aliens are heavily involved in the contruction business, pay rent, and pay sales taxes. Yes they get free healthcare, but so do the homeless. Last time I checked, we also can all go to public school for free. As for the Spanish, sure I agree English first, but guess what - we've grown into a global market. What are you going to do, brainwash 25 million illegal aliens into speaking English?? It would be far easier to creat programs - THAT WORK - to get rid of our homeless and most poverty stricken poor first. Then we can address the issue of closing the borders and assimilating all here that are not yet official United States citizens.
  15. Very educated reply.. I for one am okay with the isolationist name tag if it helps my people (United States citizens) create and retain personal wealth. Unfortunately, as pointed out above, most merchants are now owned by national, if not global corporations. Also, when the product is better built in Japan or Germany, how can you really turn a blind eye in pride over practicality? The only way you'll be able to support "mom & pop" is to buy from "mom & pop". These days that usually requires alot of reseach to find a legit "mom & pop". It seems corporations know that there are some out there that are looking for that and so they adjust their marketing to reflect such. Either way, I agree. We live in Texas, so we should be able to get some Texas beef. The same for seafood as we live on the Gulf of Mexico. Vegitables & Fruit should be no different either. Did you know that farmers get paid to grow, harvest, and then destroy crops every year so that the government can import from SE Asia & Central/South America? Yet we still see hungry kids on TV everyday.
  16. Looking south along Main St. will give you a similar view with Highrises on one side and giant oaks on the other. It makes me think of NYC's central park. Also, I'd love to see Uptown infill with more mid & high-rises over the next 20 years.
  17. Probably loitering & solicitation if nothing else. Once at booking, they could determine legal residency status.
  18. You're kidding right? Your reply is so scatter-brained and illogical it's hard for me to even repsond. Yes I assumed that Fidel would be condidered an illegal alien. That's about as obvious as concluding that smoking can kill you. As for assuming that all the men on Westpark are in fact legal holds no merit. When did I make that assumption? If anything you're the one making unfounded assumptions by making statements like: Also, asking me why I wouldn't ask for Fidel's documents makes no sense as I said that if would only be a crime if you knew and did nothing. If I didn't know it was Fidel, then why would I ask? If I did know it was Fidel, then why would I even hire him? I guess the problem is that I assumed that by making Fidel Castro an example, you would have understand my point. Next time I'll try to use a more obvious example like Suddam Hussein.. or perhaps Kim Jong Ill.
  19. Again, I know of no law that requires that you check documentation of a service & its workers before they provide service to the customer. So it's still not the fault of the customer. A perfect example of this is if Timmy, who happens to be a blond-headed, blue-eyed, white kid knocks on your door and asks if he can cut your lawn. Are you going to ask for documentation? So why would you on a non-english speaking hispanic man? The only reason would be if you were profiling him. As for tax-deductions, you can't claim anything legally without reciepts. So even if Fidel Castro himself re-shingles your roof and you claim it on your taxes - you've still not broken any law. This, unless of course you knew it was Fidel and didn't report it! The breaking of the law starts when citizens of another country illegally cross the U.S. border - not when they hop in the back of pick-up trucks.
  20. Hasn't the Clipper's owner even admitted that he doesn't care if his team wins, and that he just likes owning a NBA team?
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