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Posts posted by j_cuevas713

  1. 5 hours ago, august948 said:

    Doesn't matter if they clash or not (which they don't).  This is Texas and in the summer pedestrians need trees.

    That’s my point, they don’t. But I do agree we need trees.

  2. 1 hour ago, wilcal said:

    Went to the planning meeting last night and it's an interesting little project.






    The idea is to connect Buffalo Bayou Park with the White Oak Bayou Trail. 


    They are going to be using the CoH CIP funds for this project, not the Ellis $10 million. Timeline is try to have it complete by next summer. 


    By challenge is the varying street widths. On the 18-20' section, it would only be sharrows. 


    Plan is to have a 5' dedicated bike lane on both sides of the road where the street is wider. 


    I didn't grab a picture, but the Patterson @ Washington intersection would have a slight redesign. Oasis medians in the middle of Washington would be installed (where the current turn lane is. One option is to still allow turns, but only from the main lane from Washington onto Patterson. The other option is to build out the median more so only bikes could pass through and prevent left turns across the street onto Patterson. 


    Lots of concerns about a reduction in street parking by residents (I believe it would be eliminated in the 36' segments and eliminated on at least 1 side if not both for the 40' segment. 


    There was a lady there that represents a HOA board of 100ish townhomes just north of Washington on Patterson and she was not excited about any of the changes, but was starting to come around a little bit by the end of the meeting. She said that they were in the process of getting signatures to restrict street parking to permits only. Someone asked her why they needed on-street parking when every townhome had at least 2 garage parking spots she said "we drive trucks. really big trucks that don't fit". By the end, she said it would be an easier sell if B-Cycle had stations nearby. CoH said that most are sponsored by local businesses but that they are built where bike infrastructure goes up. 



    Great project!

  3. 4 minutes ago, wilcal said:

    Asked a city engineer and CoH planning employee about the redesign of Waugh and the integration of bike lanes in that area. 


    They said that the project is currently looking at a price tag > $80 million and has no funding. They intend for this to be a signature CoH project and that hopefully some form of bike lane would be integrated. With a whole bridge reconstruction necessary, maybe we'll see something a la the third ward bridge reconstruction that has been proposed with separated bike lanes, which would be great. 


  4. 2 minutes ago, Triton said:

    The city is paying the electric bill, right? My main concern is that they are just paying to keep the lights on. Who actually does the maintenance though?

    Good question. If this city expects to get the notoriety and publicity it wants, it can't afford to not keep these lights on. It's little things like this that draw tourism and enhance the city. Idk if anyone watched Monday Night Football with the Texans/Titans but they had a promo with Google Pixel showcasing the camera and they took a few shots of the bridges. That type of stuff is what the city can't afford to lose if it wants to continue to change the perception of outsiders. Seems minor and insignificant but it isn't.

  5. 10 minutes ago, longcat said:

    I haven't kept actual count, but I'm pretty sure that every time I've gone under the bridges for the past year, there has been at least 1 (and usually more) flaws in the lighting (led light sections out or wrong color or off the program...etc)  Did they make the system too complex?  I think I would have preferred a simpler lighting system that worked and didn't distract from the experience with it's "problems"

    I believe there is one that is still messed up. Who do we contact to get this fixed since the Montrose Management District doesn't exist anymore?

  6. 9 hours ago, skooljunkie said:

    So, I think about this very topic a lot. I know I've bitched about in before on HAIF. I believe Houston has less litter than it did two decades ago. I can recall seeing trash swirling around the freeways in the 90s and 00s. I definitely see humans and trucks cleaning up litter on all the freeways regularly now. I travel around Texas a lot, and I think Houston Metro has some of the cleanest freeways in terms of litter.


    I don't care what the City says, they do not have street sweepers going up and down the major roads. If they did, the trash and sandbars that have developed since 1989 would not exist.All that crap ends up clogging our drains and costing us more in the long run.


    Now...the streetscapes are a whole other animal. Let's just not discuss the truly ridiculous amount of ditches in dense urban neighborhoods--that's an entire topic on it's own.  IMO the City is reactive and relies on 311 way too much. One of my biggest pet peeves is fallen traffic signs and street lamps hit by vehicles. When citizens are forced to report everything, people just assume others will do it. I've tested this many times and left fallen signs alone--they are only reported a small fraction of the time. The City will fix them within 24 hours...they have people to do this...but if you don't report, I guess the employees just don't work. The plastic water meter lids are another streetscape issue that bothers me. Thousands float away after every flood event. Require a better design and the ankle-twisting danger and constant replacement cost vanishes. Other issues: our utility companies digging holes nearly daily--spray painting everything in sight. The street in front of my house is sprayed by AT&T about every month--maybe it has something to do with the redevelopment occurring...but it seems excessive. COM wires are hanging from poles everywhere and often bundled up and tied to trashy, crumbling poles. No one cares. I had to call the Public Utility Commission to get them to cut down some wires hanging in the street a few months back---after about a month of dealing with them all, only one of the three were removed. Comcast blames AT&T, AT&T blames Centerpoint, Centerpoint blames everyone but themselves. The little grass strip is part of the problem, but there are so many other elements that need attention. 

    I always ask the same damn thing! If you work for Midtown Management District and your job is to focus on the neighborhood and it's needs, then why do so many people in these managmement districts act clueless when you report something on 311? There is a dirt sidewalk off Louisiana that I've reported now 5 times. The very last time one of the people from MMD couldn't figure out what location I was referring to. That made me wonder wth are they even looking at on a day to day basis.

  7. 3 hours ago, cspwal said:

    This bus looks weird, like a bendy bus and a light rail train got drunk at a transit stop one night



    But excellent the boulevard will be done soon!


    No! Why could that be?

    of course it wasn't bid to keep the brand new BRT open.  Cars take priority 

    So honestly I'm a little confused as to what they mean by "portal." Which part of the route are the referring to?

  8. 3 minutes ago, cspwal said:

    I've been trying to get around more using the buses and trains, so I have some practical observations:

     - There needs to be much better East/West connection with the galleria.  I think there needs to be LRT/BRT/subway on both Richmond and Westheimer; Richmond could skip a bunch of Montrose to get to Uptown faster, while Westheimer could serve the heart of Montrose.  At the minimum, Westheimer needs to be rebuilt with an eye towards accommodating frequent bendy-buses during high traffic times


    - Currently, it takes over an hour to get from downtown to Hobby via Metro.  I'm not sure we need an express, point-to-point bus, but some sort of limited service I think should be a priority.  Possibly some sort of limited cross town bus service


    - the P&R bus system + uber means you can get to pretty much anywhere inside 99 without a car - on weekdays.  During weekends, there is absolutley no service.  I think some sort of modified weekend service would be good, since people still work on the weekends, and there's also events to go to and shopping to do.  The nice buses aren't doing anything anyway, so you would just need drivers to run a couple of routes that hit all the park and rides

    Well as it stands, I believe the plan for Westheimer is to accommodate buses more. I do agree Richmond Ave could be a direct connector to Uptown with maybe fewer stops. 

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