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Posts posted by 77017

  1. I'm driving through the subdivision of Bear Creek (off Hwy 6 near Clay) dropping off some letters I painted for a client. I see nice houses, nice yards, and then a few really crappy yards and crappy houses. This is too bad, because it looks like it's a cute little neighborhood (perhaps their HOA sucks?). What I do see a lot of is American flags hanging off of the houses, crappy and nice. I have always liked that; I grew up in a home that had a flag flying 365 days of the year.

    I turn onto my client's street and notice one of the crappy houses is particularly crappy. Right next door is a beautiful house with a well-manicured yard and a fresh paint job. The crappy house, however, has seen better days. The brick needed to be power washed, the driveway was full of old cars and someone's broken-down ATV. The yard was overgrown with clover and weeds, and the thing that bothered me most was a giant Mexican flag that was strung up on a makeshift PVC "flagpole" that was duct-taped (classic silver, no less) to their mailbox.

    Why did this bother me so? I really thought a lot about it. Was it the fact that there was no American flag with it? Maybe. But then, why does an Australian or Dutch flag flying from someone's yard not bother me? Maybe because European and Australian ex-pats aren't screaming they are the "Master Race" and begging for all of the same social benefits Americans receive. Perhaps it was the way it was put up; it was as if this family was shooting the bird at all of their neighbors, kind of a giant "Fu*k You" to everyone from the neighborhood cats to the HOA board to Americans in general, including little old me just driving down the street.

    My client rolled her eyes when I made mention of it. They apparently moved in barely a year ago and had just put it up, in protest during the Fourth of July holiday. She said they had not yet contacted the association president.

    Anyway, it bothered me. I'm not gonna lose sleep over it, but I just wanted to see what you all thought.

    Yeah, so????

  2. Well, I guess YOU told HIM! How immature and crude. Maybe you and Moonman should get together and share a bottle. Bore each other to death.

    Welcome, Discerning. This is a (normally) good site. This particular thread has things heated up. And I agree with you about the saber rattling and chest puffing. Moonman and "17" just don't like hearing the truth about themselves.

    So, please don't think that 77017 is representative of most of us on this forum. There are really some insightful and witty people who participate here. Enjoy.

    E** a ***k.

  3. I've been looking around the site just to get familiar with it. I posted twice in the Catholic Cathedral topic so I guess this is my number 3.

    I've read alot in this topic and it seems there's a lot of saber rattling and chest puffing. Do some of you guys really think nuclear war is an option? It seems it would be the end of us all.

    Anyway, I can see passions run high.

    F*** off.

  4. Looks the Author has been hitting the absinthe!

    Stalk much cun*-clot?

    Hyping the terror plot and the fact that it was thwarted was to keep the American populace under control, and stop the wave of independent-minded voting behavior that seems to have arisen in the Connecticut primary.

    I'm glad that people are becoming more independent and rejecting these war-supporting Dems like Lieberman. They'll reject all the Republicans too.

    I'm sick of the system trying to polarize our nation, thus weakening it, and thus taking away our sovereignty. Dems and Republicans are the same coin.


  5. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060810/ap_on_...ain_terror_plot

    This is the sort of stuff that happens when you dont enact the "end all solution". I have said before and will say again, we need to stop coddling these bastards and start killing them. The stupid bleeding heart politicians in DC and around the nation are doing a complete disservice to America by not killing these people before they kill us. If i hear one more time how Islam is a religion of peace, im gonna puke!

    By the way, they were British citizens of Pakistani origin.


  6. But I heard that HPD keeps their distance from 5th Ward, which is a shame, since SW Houston apartments around Fondren and Braeswood is just as dangerous as 5th Ward, yet the cops have no problem going in there to investigate a murder.

    I wasn't afraid of being killed so much as carjacked for being a white guy who probably has no business driving down Jensen Dr. and I heard that residents are bitter toward whites in general. I wasn't afraid while I was driving, but only when the lights were red, so I had to stop at the intersections. You say there would be too many witnesses??! The only people I saw while driving looked like they were coming down from their crack highs. They looked pissed off and defensive. I doubt their presence on Jensen Dr. would deter anyone from robbing me at an intersection or shooting at my car.

    Just to make sure I'm not giving the wrong neighborhood name, that is 5th Ward on Jensen Dr. between I-10 east and 610 Loop North, right?

    Man, aint nobody gonna attack you over there. If you look how you say you do, they either thought you were a clucka or an undercover.

    5th ward is tha baddest neighborhood out there here is a list of the worst hoods out there:

    1.5th ward


    3.Sunny side

    4.acres home


    6.south park

    7.kashmere gardens

    8.trinity gardens

    Nah kid, statistically Southwest/Fondren is the worst by far. . .

  7. WOW if you think this is one of the worst areas of town you must not get around much. I ride my bike through Magnolia all the time and never have problems. I also have some friends in midtown who ride through there regularly and stop at the neighborhood bars. It may LOOK scary but we've never had problems.

    The time of day your riding your bike, what streets, and what bars your talking about are probably why you think that. There's crimeless lily-white subdivisions directly adjacent from fondren as well. . .

    The time of day your riding your bike, what streets, and what bars your talking about are probably why you think that. There's crimeless lily-white subdivisions directly adjacent from fondren as well. . .

    Oh and yeah, I've been in and used to hang out in every grimey part of every hood in H-town too which is why I said that about Southeast. I think its more the attitude of the gangsters in the neighborhoods than the way the neighborhoods look. That's the thing a lot of people from out of town trip on about H-town. Prime example, Scenic Woods near Homestead. It looks like a nice upkept subdivision, but that's one of the hardest hoods at night, from experience those dudes are all strapped up and crazy over there. . .

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