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Letzerich House in Friendswood


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In another topic, Gnu guessed my story about the house in Friendswood. Maybe Gnu could fill in the rest of the story.

At the last Houston Mod Board meeting, Ben Koush showed the rest of us some great pictures of Hugo V. Neuhaus designed buildings, including an incredible house in Friendswood. Russell reminded us that when he and I sent a mailing out describing Houston Mod to all the Modern Houses in Stephen Fox's book that he couldn't find that house and suspected that it had been torn down. So after the meeting I did some research and found the owner's phone number and the next day gave them a call and discovered that they had indeed had the house taken down after living in it for a year and a half. They had their reasons, but it was pretty obvious that they bought it planning to take it down. What's interesting is that I was told that they sold the house to the company who took it apart. Maybe it has been rebuilt somewhere else?

Here's a pic. I'll send more when I have time.

It's heavily influenced by the Farnsworth House.


Anyone want to cry with me?


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  • 4 years later...

This house is in the first Houston Architectural Guide, p. 154.

Says: Louis Letzerich, Sr. Ranch

FM Road 518-Friendswood

1962/ Cowell & Neuhaus

David Haid, Assoc., arch. ...it's a shame it was moved. Love that design. It reminds me of the bank designs of the 1960's that are scattered around Houston.

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.it's a shame it was moved. Love that design. It reminds me of the bank designs of the 1960's that are scattered around Houston.

I don't think it was moved.

I think it was demolished.

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This link gives the address, 304 East Viejo Rd., it sat off of FM 518 between FM 528 & Bay Area Blvd.

GoogleEarth shows a rectangle structure at the end of a long tree-lined drive (East Viejo Dr.) that looks like it stood until the 2002 map. Eventually it disappeared and was replaced by a large angled-roof house.

A pool and maybe a garage (changed, new roof?) or guest house (seen in blueprint) seem to have remained from the original layout.

Looks like the land all around this spot was divided and sold for lots for residential development.

Edited by NenaE
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  • 11 years later...

I lived in this house in the late 1970s; my parents sold it in 1989.  I, too, have long been under the impression that it was dismantled rather than demolished.  If anyone has information about a storage location, I would be quite pleased to learn more.  christopher.hart@vcfa.edu.

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