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Bellfort Station


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We sat down with the Hobby Area District’s Director of Economic & Community Development, Regina Lindsey, to learn the details about plans underway for Bellfort Station. Promising to bring improved mobility, a more defined retail corridor and more consumer through-traffic to the District, Bellfort Station is highly anticipated by community members and stakeholders.




  1. What is Bellfort Station?
    Bellfort Station is a redevelopment project resulting from a Livable Centers Grant from Houston Galveston Area Council (HGAC) in anticipation of METRO’s proposed light rail extension to Hobby Airport. Specifically, it will address safety concerns at the intersection of Telephone and Reveille, open up land in the District for development purposes, and connect recreational amenities to increase ease of access for the community.
  2. How can local residents and businesses expect the project to impact their daily lives?
    It will provide increased safety when traveling through the area, particularly at the intersection mentioned above, but also along major corridors and bayou trails in the District. Increased connectivity, convenience and an enhanced commercial sector are major parts of the plan as well.



  3. Where will it be located? How and why was this location chosen?
    Bellfort Station will be located along Bellfort near the nexus of Bellfort, Telephone and Sims Bayou. This location was chosen in coordination with several proposed METRO rail line alignments and feedback from the public.



  4. How is the Bellfort Station project being funded?
    It is a public-private partnership. Private property owners along the project route are in discussion about potential upgrades and we are working with a number of stakeholders to dedicate funds towards the project.



  5. What entities/organizations are involved in this project?
    It is too early in the process to name partners, however we have several actively engaged parties who are excited to collaborate on this milestone project.



  6. How does Bellfort Station fit into the Hobby Area District’s goal of making the community an attractive, connected, talented and celebrated place to work, live and invest?
    The project will be truly transformative to the Hobby Area District, bringing exciting community amenities as well as business growth. Through the combination of private investment into existing properties, streetscaping along the corridor and infrastructure adjustments to improve transportation, Bellfort Station will enhance the overall attractiveness of the District for residents and business owners alike. Additionally, it will allow the opportunity to diversify commercial offerings, positioning the area as a destination for Houston shopping, dining and more.



  7. Is there anything else the local community should know about Bellfort Station?
    While there are no more anticipated public meetings to discuss Bellfort Station at this time, the public may contact me with any questions or concerns at rlindsey@hadistrict.org.







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