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  1. @Urbannizer Can you copy and past the article to the tread? What is the new timeline?
  2. Is there a start date for this project? http://globalcenturydev.com/Projects.aspx https://www.google.com/maps/@29.7487359,-95.3586273,3a,75y,72.34h,83.69t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1scsHIB2FVqVZ4GcZVoMQQ8g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
  3. Here's a rendering of the building. It appears to already be topped out. I'll try to take picture next time I pass by.
  4. Not sure if there's already a thread for this, but there is a very impressive wrap apartment bulldog going up at Westheimer and Eldridge called Haven at Westheimer.
  5. SW corner is the City West apartments (unless they sold some of the land to Holiday Inn). NE corner has Bank of America and there is open land right next to it.
  6. It's not the most attractive building, but I'll take this any day over a surface parking lot...
  7. It would be great if Captial Tower can attract a non-energy company. This downturn providesa great opportunity to solidify diversity in other industries (tech, fianance, insurance, biotech, telecommunications, international trade, etc).
  8. MST will add nicely to our skyline; hopefully when the market stabilizes a developer will actually build a 85-100 story tower with a public sky deck that rivals Willis (Sears) Tower in Chicago or 1 World Trade Center (Freedom Tower) in NYC. Houston deserves it.
  9. GreenStreet has so much potential. I hope all the new residential development, the hotel, improvements to Dallas St Can drive increased pedestrian traffic. I would love to see the day when GreenStreet is fully leased.
  10. I agree the retail issue in downtown Houston must be addressed in a major way. Hopefully the Dallas St initiative fills the void. Houston is the 4th largest city in the United States, but when compared to the New York, LA, Chicago or even Philadelphia's downtown retail scene, it's lacking.
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