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the morality of immortality


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i posted this someplace else, but i'd think it would be interesting to see the discussion on here.

I came across an article recently that made me think.

While this may seem like to be a major blessing, along with quite a few other problems would be a whole slew of ethical and moral dilemmas that few people could possibly comprehend in today's society.

Currently the United States has the ability to extend life by transplants and medication. Considering that most of the medical care is available to the general public, the caveat is one generally has to have insurance or resources to be able to afford the care.

Who should be the ones that should have the ability to reach immortality and why?

Should it be simply be people that are wealthy or have such prominence (artist, politician, Doctor) as to basically declare that particular person a treasure worthy of keeping alive forever?

Would their thinking be relevant as they lose perspective on the everyday man as they age? That has been known to happen in the past. How motivated would you be to come up with your latest work if you knew that death would be a distant thing?

If the masses are allowed to go on the road to immortality then the question of over population would have to be dealt with. Along with that problem the following would have to be looked at.

Would a limit on the amount of children be given?

Would one be allowed a "chance" child without any gender preference or modifications?

If a child has a birth defect, are they allowed a "do-over?" Would the child with a defect be denied immortality? Stephen Hawking is a good example on how handicaps can be overcome.

Should a person decide at which time they want to end their current lives if they see it as fulfilled?

Would they have the right to end their own lives, or would the family have to allow consent on such a major decision?

Could be someone who outlived their spouse and/or their body isn't up to the task of being to able live independently.

Depression could easily be a symptom from having a long life in which they could see loved ones die, or simply not having anyone to share their life with, If not, then whose responsibility would it be for care? Or would an end of life option be granted/suggested?

While the prospect for immortality may seem like a very good idea, it does raise a number of ethical and moral issues we haven't even begun to ponder yet.

What do you guys think?

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