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Happy Yom Kippour

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I want to say Happy Holiday but really its a day of remembering those who passed away over the past year. Its a nice memorial day I shall say!!

But anyway no eating until sundown jews!!

okay...a little nosch! ;)

I won't tell!! :)

Why is every Jewish holiday a day we eat?

Yom Kippour -we fast until Sundown ANd then we eat

Rosh Hashannah -apples/honey

Passover- Sedar dinner

Hannukah -gilt and other assorted goodies like Blintzes and Kugel!

Purim- Candy

my gawd!!! we eat alot!!

and don't tell me you don't eat at your Bubbe's house either when you visit :P

(yea I know its early and I'm a bit out there right now) :)

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