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Member List Shrunk Today?


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Does the member list automatically boot people of HAIF if they remain inactive of something.

I just noticed that it actually shrank today after touching briefly at 271 pages, we are now back to 270 pages of people. :mellow:

Just curious if there are rules that people must adhere too in order to stay current and other rules to remove members that never log back on, maybe freeing up member names people want, especially Houston related ones. ^_^

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Does the member list automatically boot people of HAIF if they remain inactive of something.

I just noticed that it actually shrank today after touching briefly at 271 pages, we are now back to 270 pages of people. :mellow:

Just curious if there are rules that people must adhere too in order to stay current and other rules to remove members that never log back on, maybe freeing up member names people want, especially Houston related ones. ^_^

They booted a spam-er about a hour ago.

Edited by Marty
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Pushing medical supplies of some kind. Or pills or something.

So he must have been member 2711

OMG, I just notice you have new catergories for people.

Other than HAIF Moderators, and Members, you also added Suspicious and Subscriber.

Can I be "Pimp Daddy Mac?" :lol:


I see others too.

Houston Blog Author - I have a blog!

Bot - Why do you even have this, should they be booted anyways

Admin - Only one person, and I can guess who!

Validating - What is that?

Edited by Pumapayam
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So he must have been member 2711

OMG, I just notice you have new catergories for people.

Other than HAIF Moderators, and Members, you also added Suspicious and Subscriber.

Can I be "Pimp Daddy Mac?" :lol:


I see others too.

Houston Blog Author - I have a blog!

Bot - Why do you even have this, should they be booted anyways

Admin - Only one person, and I can guess who!

Validating - What is that?

Not all bots are bad. Google is a bot.

The Blog Author category is available for people who blog on the Houston Architecture Blog. If you'd like to blog there, let me know.

Validating is people who have registered, but not yet verified their identity.

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