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Any countries cities without overhead powerlines?

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From what I know, cities/ countries like Netherlands and Singapore have all their powerlines underground. I have never been to Netherlands so can't comment on that.

But for a country that is pretty flat with no real natural beauty, Singapore has manage to make its urban landscape unbelievablely neat, orderly, clean and beautiful. I think alot has to do with burying all powerlines underground, and of course the strict rules of not littering.

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Areas in SE florida developed after some point in the 1980s have their powerlines underground. After hurricane wilma, it was an HP and L bucket truck that restored the power in my neighborhood: we were below ground but the lines leading to us were above ground. The discussion of going to all underground lines has occured, after 4 power losses due to hurricanes in 2 years, but the cost of retrofiting quickly is enormous. The new areas will be underground, and the old ones will slowly be converted.

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