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I dont know how credible this source is, but I did find other results in a google search. If it is true, why hasn't it been made public yet? Its kind of a big deal you know?

On second inspection, this article is all written based on facts from this time LAST YEAR. I'm going to have to call B.S.

Edited by brijonmang
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so do you guys think that if we really had this stuff in our own backyards we would stop development of new energy alternatives (hydrogen) for cars or wuuuut?

No. We need to really be focusing on alternative fuels because that is the future. If this was true it would be huge for the U.S. We could actually EXPORT oil and make huge profits. However, if the U.S. no longer needed the Middle East for oil, what would that spell for relations there? I could see bad things between the U.S. and the Middle East if that scenario played out.

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brijon, look at it this way, as long as we cn afford to import oil, that is what the U.S. will do. We keep tons of reserves already and if we had a stash just waiting to be tapped that we know about, we will continue to import oil until it dries up or we no longer want to afford to import it. Then, we tap into our own.

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I agree with you Teej, but it doesn't mean we shouldn't be focusing efforts on alternative fuels. Even if we are sitting on such a ridiculously huge amount of oil. Might as well find a way to make what we have last longer.

Don't get me wrong, alternatives are a great thing, it is just that crude is the cheapest and safest thus far. We had steamers a long time ago, you know why they quit making them ? The boilers would blow up and kill the owners because they didn't know how to use them. We need a hydrogen engine, I am in the car business and I hear form time to time, that there is actually a working model out there, but Big oil and Big Auto have a monopoly of sorts going on, and the Govt. knows. Not just our current Admin., this thing goes back a few Presidents. I am not a conspiracy theorist, but I believe this may be true to some extent. :ph34r:

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