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Your Electricity Bill


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I grasp the rather simple concept, but chose to post what I pay for electricity. If the data I posted are extraneous, then you and others are free to ignore what I've posted and not use it for comparison purposes, which is also a rather a simple that you appear unable to grasp.

No. I understand perfectly that it is a baseless comparison...problem is, others might not since your post didn't explicitly state that you're a pot smoking hippie living in SF.

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No. I understand perfectly that it is a baseless comparison...problem is, others might not since your post didn't explicitly state that you're a pot smoking hippie living in SF.

Wow. I am sure he or she did not know that posting this way is not acceptable to us gun toting rednecks from Houston.

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No. I understand perfectly that it is a baseless comparison...problem is, others might not since your post didn't explicitly state that you're a pot smoking hippie living in SF.
If that's what they choose to think I am, that's fine with me.
A Californian gloating about low electricity prices is about as ridiculous as someone gloating about how little they spend on groceries when they eat out every night. You're still paying for it--just from of a different budget item. It also means that more of what you consume is susceptible to incompetence or malice.
Believe me, I am well aware of the fact that I am paying a lot more for other budgetary items. Sales tax, state income tax, groceries, gasoline are among the things that are much more expensive in California. More of what I consume? I have no idea what you are talking about.
Wow. I am sure he or she did not know that posting this way is not acceptable to us gun toting rednecks from Houston.
Wrong. I've been reading and posting on this forum long enough to know what kind of responses I'm likely to get from some of the other posters on this site.
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1128 sq. ft.

Built 1955

Green Mountain


Even for the size, my bill is significantly lower than most of the posts I've seen so far. Just FYI:

- I keep the thermostat on 75

- I turn off the A/C completely when I'm gone for a few days

- I have a programmable thermostat that brings the temp up to 80 during the day and back down to 75 when I come home

- I have two huge trees in my yard that completely cover my house and shield it from the sun

- I have all gas appliances (dryer, stove, water heater, furnace). Even so, my gas bill is only $22 this month.

$92 is the highest it's been all year. The month before it was $80 and it was as low as $25 during the spring.

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so this year, we've added an electric dryer and another person (albeit a small person). i also purchased a de-humidifier, but can't tell if it's helping - except that it sucks buckets o'water out of the air, so it must be... we also put in a gang of plants to give us a little more fresh oxygen... my house was built in 1980, has big windows that don't open, and with myself, my wife, and now my son at home all day every day, I PAY TOO MUCH (because we burn too much.)

Actually, the rain has kept it a little cooler than past summers, but not cool enough to keep the AC from running... which reminds me, i need to get out there and clean off the coils etc, this weekend... should have done it in May. :angry:

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1800 square feet 1 story

1959 year built

Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E)

7/19/07-8/16/07 Total Bill 52.44--gas 18.88--electric 32.92

Previous month 57.36


highest bill in the past 12 months 140.00

There must be a mistake with your bill

Howcome you are paying that low compared to others here? Is your AC unit the most efficient and expensive?

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Think we need a few more details, like how many people live in the house, is the house all electric?

My bill runs about 80 with amigo, 1 person, 1000 sq ft house built in 82, 12 seer 2.5 ton ac set on 76 at night, 79 during the day. Electric dryer. I also have a bad habit of leaving the sliding door open for the dogs sometimes.

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By the way for those who are considering switching here is a nice deal from Continental Onepass:

-Earn 4,000 bonus miles for switching to Gexa and signing up for Auto Bill Payment with AMEX card

-Earn two miles for every $1 spent on electricity each month.

The rates look competetive.

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National Power Company


Built in 1963

3800 sf

Crappy insulation and old windows

House is cranking at 69-72 at all times on three AC units

This beats the heck out of me. We had a brand new home in The Woodlands at over 4000sf, great insulation but could only use Entergy. Our bills were in the high 500's every summer. I think the lower ceilings really help take the stress off the system

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1. 2350sq ft

2. 8 yrs old

3. $319.00 :(

4. Green Mountain

5. 78 degrees - nothing lower

This is the biggest home I've ever owned, and am still adjusting to the higher engery bills. I'm doing things now like leaving the A/C on 78 at all times, closing all doors as often as possible, shutting off vents to non-essential areas like bathrooms & closets, and keeping curtains drawn during the day to help combat the sun's heat through our windows.

I'm hoping to see if those things will make a difference this month. I started all these things at the end of last month after getting what I thought would be my highest bill of $278. Then the August bill came for $319. I was hot and sweaty for the first two weeks, but my body has gotten used to 78 versus 75. Hopefully my bill will reflect my sacrifice.

Hey Jeebus, I'm not sure whether you are talking about outside doors or inner doors...but do not keep inside doors closed. It creates pressure in the room and forces that cold air right out seams in your windows, walls, etc.

We are in a 1571 sq ft condo. Our last bill was $204. We are submetered, so I have no idea who the heck provides our electric!

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Word of advice: if you want to save money on electric power, go to www.powertochoose.org and enter your zip code. Then pick the cheapest provider. Currently the lowest rate is about 10.6 - 10.8 c/kWh (this compares with about 15.4 c/kWh with Reliant). Do not sign long term commitments (so called "secure rate" plans) - these rates are much higher, stick with month-to-month pricing.

That being said, "deregulation" is still a rip-off for individual ratepayers, Houston pays one of the highest power rates nationally. But there is not a whole lot you can do about it ...

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1174 Sq Ft 2 story Loft style Townhome .... Water heater bill dispersed in Monthly Maintenance

Built in 1983

Highest $136

AMIGO Energy

All flourescent Bulbs - programable thermostat - 2 year old a/c system - Energy Star Appliances(all less than 2 years old)/ Sealed up behind Electric Outlets and switches / Resealed exterior doors / all large single pane windows face east- west / Replaced flex tube for dryer vent for rigid tube and sealed up with mastic / sealed all a/c registers with mastic / Caulked everything for the first time since new in December/

Most of the Energy consumed in a central a/c system is used at start up. Pressurizing the freon with the compressor takes the most energy! Once it is running it is a very efficient system. Watch your meter speed up in relation to your a/c cycles.

with that in mind .... I have mine shut off to 83 as I am getting ready in the morning and turn on at 4:45pm when the wife gets home. It is usually too cool for her when she gets home around 5:15pm.

Yeah it runs for about 45 min but it only starts up 4 - 7 times from 6:00am - 12:oo midnight

rather than 23- 30 times with no programmable shuting it off......

Oh yeah I also have to crank it down to 73 after 7:00 till morning for her....

PS - no ceiling fans (that would help me save more)

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