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Fort Worth to Houston

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Not exactly sure where this should go, but this seems the most logical place (mods please move it if this is not the best place).

I'm a forum member up on the Fort Worth Architecture board, so I feel sorta comfortable here.

I am seriously thinking about taking a job in Houston (downtown, in a patricualty tall building.. heh). I'm a firm believer in 'every city has good stuff, every city had bad stuff, they all have their share of morons, etc, etc.'

All that said, can you guys fill me in on what I may be getting myself into?

here are some basics:

We're in our mid-30's, with a 3 year old. Here in FW we're into indie music, our musuems (mostly the kimball and the modern) local music, indi films, non chain resturants, our zoo (these are also reasons we're in FW and not so much Dallas). Also kayaking, angling , almost vegetarian.

We live in a 1918 tudor in an historic district (actually not historic, but thats better due to politics) just outside downtown (Brekely Place, for those who know FW)

This should give you a pretty good idea of who we are, how would we fit in? Cost of living is pretty mcuh the same, so I'm not too worried about that side of things.


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Not exactly sure where this should go, but this seems the most logical place (mods please move it if this is not the best place).

I'm a forum member up on the Fort Worth Architecture board, so I feel sorta comfortable here.

I am seriously thinking about taking a job in Houston (downtown, in a patricualty tall building.. heh). I'm a firm believer in 'every city has good stuff, every city had bad stuff, they all have their share of morons, etc, etc.'

All that said, can you guys fill me in on what I may be getting myself into?

here are some basics:

We're in our mid-30's, with a 3 year old. Here in FW we're into indie music, our musuems (mostly the kimball and the modern) local music, indi films, non chain resturants, our zoo (these are also reasons we're in FW and not so much Dallas). Also kayaking, angling , almost vegetarian.

We live in a 1918 tudor in an historic district (actually not historic, but thats better due to politics) just outside downtown (Brekely Place, for those who know FW)

This should give you a pretty good idea of who we are, how would we fit in? Cost of living is pretty mcuh the same, so I'm not too worried about that side of things.


You will be just fine. Houston is a much larger cousin to Fort Worth. Finding something like you have in Berkeley Place is going to be harder in that the neighborhoods in Houston with similarly aged/styled homes are a good bit pricier. I split my time between the two (in FW now for a seminar).

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I spent 8 years in FW, mostly in Arlington Heights. I would say that Houston Heights and Woodland Heights are a close approximation to Arl. Hts, with Woodland Hts having more brick homes and Houston Hts having more wood siding. If you have the cash or earning capacity, Museum District is fancier, more akin to Monticello. There are some pockets of Montrose that would feel like Berkley as well.

Any of these neighborhoods would suit you with a child, though you'd want to stay a few blocks away from the party streets in Montrose IMO.

tcole is right, in that Houston often feels like an overgrown version of Fort Worth, people-wise. Unfortunately, FW has done a MUCH better job of protecting and rehabbing its early 20th Century housing stock. While huge swaths of the west and south of FW have those 1920s and 1930s bungalows, in Houston, they are more like pockets of neighborhoods. But, they are here, if you look for them.

Good luck.

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I think you'll fit into the Houston scene just fine. Plenty of everthing you seem to find interesting. My parents have retired to the Houston area, so I visit often. I don't see any similarities to Houston and Fort Worth. Houston is a diverse, urban, thriving metropolis. I always feel like I'm in a large city there. When I've visited Fort Worth, I've always felt like I was in a small, quaint, quiet town. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I enjoy Fort Worth just fine, but I see very little similar to Houston, IMHO.

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We are similar that people from Dallas talk down on our cities.

Although I currently live here, I'm not from Dallas at all, and do not get into the tired Dallas v. FW crap. As usual it seems another person from Fort Worth's inferiority complex is starting to show. I did not talk down your fine city, I said I liked it. All I said was I, personally, see little similarity between Fort Worth and Houston. I don't get into the Dallas v. Houston stuff either. Houston just happens to be my favorite city in Texas...not Dallas. If I had to list my favorite cities in Texas it would go...1. Houston, 2. Austin, 3. Dallas,

4. Galveston, 5., San Antonio, and 6. Fort Worth...sorry.

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I agree that the Heights, Montrose or similar neighborhood would be great for FW fella moving down. That way you won't have a long commute and are close to all Houston's cultural things. Welcome to H-town. And we have had a particularly cool summer. No triple digits. B)

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I myself hate the Dallasvs.FW/Dallasvs.Houston wars.I am from FW and Dallas is my second favorite city.Its not right that Texas cities are compared to each other and the citizens of those cities take things the wrong way.I believe you if you say you like any city in the world,and saying what you dont like is your right.Take it easy,and dont be sorry for ranking FW #6 on your list.

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How can anyone from the land locked areas of our great state not rank Galveston at the top? :):):):)

Man, Galveston is so close to Houston as my favorite city, that I just call it part of the Houston metro, so I don't have to choose.

I know that makes the BOI boys (like J.A.S.O.N.) cringe, but I put them together. :P

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That's some good info folks. Thanks a lot.

I used to make it to Houston once a month dropping off promo records to few places (Cactus being the most memorable).

I've never understood the whole Dallas vs Houston / Dallas vs Fort Worth thing myself. oh well.

We'll see how the job offer finalizes.

I've got the wife sold already (she loves Galveston, and not that it means anything for next year, but the summers this year may have had a little to do with it.. we're set for 105 again today. ouch).

If it all does fall into place, I'll become a regualar to the forum here, if it is as I predict (and this is how the Fort Worth forum is) then folks who care about the city, will have better insight and better vision when it comes to outlook, 'inlook' and overall thoughts about the city as a whole.

The worst part about moving would be missing watching the Trinity River Vision come to pass over the next several years. I'd be able to watch it from a distance, but that is something I've been exited about here.

Which, reminds me.. there *is* (at least to my eyes) a huge difference between Dallas and Fort Worth; our local governments. Fort Worth seems to be able to do stuff, while Dallas seems to fight over which groups are going to benefit more from projects. Terribly frustrating, I can tell you, as it is part of the reason I went to Fort Worth to begin with. Heh, the local citizens didn't even get a chance to vote for the football stadium, it was already out of the city, it had a chance to come back.. and now, its not even going to be in the county. ouch.

How does Houston fare with government, and the like?

thanks again folks, this is all been great information. I'm glad I found this forum, I knew once I read some, and saw how close it was to the FTW forum, the answers would be here.


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I've got the wife sold already (she loves Galveston, and not that it means anything for next year, but the summers this year may have had a little to do with it.. we're set for 105 again today. ouch).

Well if there were a year when someone would give up on the North Texas weather, I'd expect this to be it. This is the warmest year so far in the 108 years of records. Houston's weather this year on the other hand has been much closer to its normal.

However, keep in mind the absolute humidity of greater Houston. If you were to take a walk last night after work you'd be greeted by a 57

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Well if there were a year when someone would give up on the North Texas weather, I'd expect this to be it. This is the warmest year so far in the 108 years of records.

Do you think smog has anything to do with this?Would DFW have more smog problems or would Houston?

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Well if there were a year when someone would give up on the North Texas weather, I'd expect this to be it. This is the warmest year so far in the 108 years of records. Houston's weather this year on the other hand has been much closer to its normal.

However, keep in mind the absolute humidity of greater Houston. If you were to take a walk last night after work you'd be greeted by a 57

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I've spent some time in Fort Worth and find it to be a nice town overall. I enjoy the museum district, zoo, and downtown. Certain Inner Loop neighborhoods of Houston are somewhat similar to Fort Worth's older districts. However, the pace of life in Houston is certainly more like a big city and there are more cultural (and arguably outdoor) options in Houston given its developed arts scene and institutions and proximity to the Texas Coast and the forests and lakes of East Texas. Houston is also a much more international city, which has its positives and negatives. Overall, I'd say it's less "generic" than most of DFW.

Based on your description of housing stock you're most likely to find something to your liking in The Heights or Montrose. The prices will be higher than in Fort Worth so don't come away with sticker shock. Another close-in area that might be worth checking into is Rice Military, which is close to Memorial Park and has a nice historical feel to it. Bottom line: Houston will be different, but based on your description of lifestyle, etc. I'm sure you'll enjoy living here. I certainly do.

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Well, actually you're wrong. At 8:53 p.m. yesterday Dallas had a 98 degree heat index, while Houston's heat index was 88. Source: The Weather Channel. At 11:53 Dallas had cooled down to a miserable 94 degree heat index, while Houston's was 86. Just another example of how blindly some remark on perceived realities. Check your facts next time please.

I assure you there is no problem with my climate data. I take it rather seriously or I'd lose $.

Sorry for the confusion. I get off work at 5pm so I chose the 6pm readings. My factual source is the same place the weather channel gets their readings, the national weather service:

Houston official temperature = 93

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How can the heat index be lower than the actual temperature? I didn't know that was possible.

Very interesting observation/comment. I never thought about the possibility that maybe someone from Houston (or anywhere on the Gulf coast) wouldn't realize this is possible because the dewpoints are typically so high there. On the other hand you'd expect someone from say El Paso to know this because it is so dry there the heat index is almost always lower than the temperature.

Anyway, to answer your question.... If the humidity gets very low, moisture is pulled from your body so fast that is has a cooling effect due to the heat required to change the phase of the water from a liquid to a gas carried off by the air. During the summer months, it is most likely to occur in Dallas during August because by that time the air dries out to the point that the humidity is relatively low. This happens a good portion of the time when temperatures are above 100

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Just between us or is it we Texans? .... August is hotter than hell - no matter where you are. Houston's a little cooler but the humidity runs up the heat index to near the triple digit mark. D-FW hits 103 etc. almost daily in August. But the cool thing in Houston is we are the most air-conditioned city in the world. Astros, Texans ... we play in or out ... in Oct. roof opens, in August definitely closed. Don't have to worry about baseball in 97 degree heat. Plus, winter in Houston is only an extension of fall into spring. I haven't lost a banana tree in years from a freeze. Not even when Galveston got blanketed with snow, what a couple of years ago? But we all tire from the heat come September. Enough is enough .... and then October (it is anyone's guess if halloween will be cool, warm or hot). Houston ... it's worth it. :wub:

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Oh yeah, I did think of baseball indoors already. Esp as I head to the Tex-Sea game tonight. Ugh, its going to be a hot one.

But alas, JPMC is moving a bit slower than I like, and I may accept an offer up here beforehand. We'll see.

I've learned a good deal about the city in the past week, and by this point, I'll be disappointed if I don't end up moving. heh.


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You might be frustrated seeing old architecture get razed here so easily. I know that continues to put a sour taste in my mouth about Houston. Otherwise, I think the above info is all right on.

I've got the wife sold already

You did what?! Without even getting the job for sure yet? A garage sale maybe but... :D .

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Since you have a kid, you may wish to see where given neighborhoods are zoned to for school:

Houston ISD covers most of the Houston city limits as well as the cities of Bellaire, West University Place, and Southside Place, as well as portions of Pearland, Missouri City, Hunters Creek Village, Piney Point Village, and Jacinto City, and unincorporated sections of Harris County.

Type in a given address at: - If it is in HISD, the system will give you a list of zoned schools. (See http://dept.houstonisd.org/ab/abcx_tool/search.asp)

In my opinion, you should try to be zoned to Lamar High School or Bellaire High School - there are certain feeder elementary and middle schools that are good to be zoned to as well.

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3 things:

1) I'll stick around the forum anyhow, as it seems to be a good group of people, and there is no better way to know more about a city than this.

2) if I were to move, schools are not *that* big of a deal to me, I will not be sending my child to a government school (public school makes it sound too good), and we'll be homeschooling until at least middle school, and chosing a private school from there.

3) I have an interview at JPMC Thursday the 24th (on my 35th birthday no less).

Anyone recommend a good place for lunch following my interview?

thanks again guys.

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