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A good friend of mine is most likely accepting a position with a company in Boulder. I offered to help find him a place to live--partly on the assumption that some of you guys would be able to lend a hand :).

I'm looking for neighborhoods that would be considered urban-esque with bungalows (with at least some yard), shopping, etc. Amenities in biking distance perhaps, or at least a very short drive away. He lives in Montrose right now, and loves it (except for the run-down houses that dot the landscape, LOL).

Any insight you all can provide is appreciated.

Price range is probably $350-$500k.


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Boulder has some of the highest housing prices in Colorado, so that may not be an option unless he wants to pay 400,000 for a 800 sq ft house. However, try looking in Broomfield, Louisville, or Thornton which are just outside of Boulder. There is a lot of new development going on in these areas and I'm sure he could find something nice within the price range you gave. I live in downtown Denver so I don't know much about the cost of housing north of here, but I don't think your friend needs to move all the way out to Aurora to find a place to live. Especially with the cost of gas now!

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Westminster is really nice but might be a little expensive. If you want a little cheaper, try some parts of Aurora CO.

Hiya, are you thinking of Arvada, which is closer to Westminster? Aurora is *really* out of way, especailly for someone working in Boulder (and some parts of it has gang problems, as I understand it). Besides, it's very suburb-y.

If you're looking for older bungalows that aren't outrageously overpriced, you can look at the Old Town part of Arvada, as well as Wheatridge, North Denver (where the old Elitch's used to be), Edgewater and older parts of Lakewood.

-- Angeli, 12 days to becoming a Houstonian and counting :-)

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