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Houston Asian American Business Council Houston Chinatown Meeting


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The Houston Asian American Business Council (AABC) held their monthly meeting to discuss the security, beautification, and promotion of Houston Chinatown in Southwest Houston. Houston Police Chief Harold Hurtt was in attendance and addressed the issue of crime in Houston and Southwest Houston. Some of the issues addressed were the stepped up patrols in high crime areas; HPD's neighborhood program; HPD's Blue Star program for apartment complex where the management takes a course and be certified by HPD; and Graffiti which is a big problem within the business community. Houston Police Chief Hurtt also provided crime statistics in the Southwest Houston, Chinatown area. Crime is down 13% in the month of January 2006 and vandalism was down in 2005 vs. 2004.

"Burglary and Vehicle Theft" remains the biggest problem in Houston Chinatown and all over Houston says Police Chief Hurtt. Steps are being taken to combat the situation like stiffening the punishment for these crimes. Business owners in Houston Chinatown addressed the issue of vandalism caused by young people to Police Chief Hurtt asking the city for more help in deterring these types of crimes. One suggestion that was brought up to combat vandalism is to install surveillance cameras at all shopping centers in Chinatown and have them networked together so as to create a huge surveillance center to monitor crime in the area. Community involvement along with the police is the best way to deter crime. Other topics on hand were the beautification of Houston Chinatown . Projects has begun in certain shopping centers like Dynasty Mall where remodeling is almost complete.

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