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Does anyone remember this event?

I think it was held in the late 90s and early 2000s downtown. I don't recall if it was 2000 or 2001, but I went with a group from my High School. The full name of it may have been "Come Join... The Human Race" since I seem to remember hearing that in a bunch of commercials they ran for the event. May have been on our shirts too.

I recall it started at the The Park Shops, went down Allen Parkway by Eleanor Tinsley Park or Montrose Blvd and then looped back to The Park.

I think it was a late winter or early spring event since it was held in the afternoon and temperatures were neither too hot or too cool. 

Enron was a sponsor and Ken Lay was one of the participants. He and his entourage were going at a decent clip just before the turnaround along the Bayou. I can proudly say I smoked them at low speed for like 2 minutes - but then I started getting tired and they passed me. Pretty much walked with friends the rest of the way back to the Park and crashed at the Roman Delight Pizza there. It seemed like it was about the only restaurant open at that point, so they made a killing that day I assume.

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