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Update On Grand Parkway, Segment F-2


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I was reading through the 2006-2008 TIP on the H-GAC website yesterday and noticed that Segment F-2 of the Grand Parkway did not have all of its' funding in place yet. They're still shy about $30 million dollars. I guess that's the part that they expect HCTRA to put in, but I don't see it happening anytime soon.

Also, just got word today that the Public Hearing tentatively scheduled for January 25 & 26 at Klein Collins for the Revised SDEIS of Segment F-2 has been pushed back till possibly March, April or May. The Grand Parkway Association was expecting FHWA to complete their review of the SDEIS before the end of 2005, but that hasn't happened, hence the delay there. Meanwhile, major landowners in the affected path of the ever-changing alignment of Segment F-2 are gearing up to do legal battle with the State of Texas, if necessary. So much for the expectation on the part of the Grand Parkway Association to have all the land donated.

One more thing from the TIP, just above where the Segment F-2 of the Grand Parkway (or Texas State Highway 99) is mentioned, another section of the Grand Parkway has received funding for a sound wall. The funds needed to build it are coming from federal and state, but not local dollars. On a side note regarding opposition, since Senator Jon Lindsay has decided not to run for re-election, several of the people running for his seat are announcing their opposition to the placement of the Segment F-2 alignment through the Spring area, such as Mark Ellis and Joe Nixon and possibly Dan Patrick. Other politicians have already publicly supported the opposition effort, such as U.S. Congressman Ted Poe and State Rep. Debbie Riddle and Nick Lampson.

Just a few days ago, we found out that the FHWA still has not completed their review of the Supplemental DEIS of the Grand Parkway, Segment F-2. The Grand Parkway Association had hoped that the report would have been done before Christmas, but it just didn't happen that way. So, the Public Hearing meeting scheduled to be on January 25 & 26 will have to be re-scheduled. When the FHWA finally completes its' review, the document will be sent to TxDOT for review. If they approve it, then a notice will be placed in the Federal Register, Texas Register and the Houston Chronicle Public Notices section 30 days prior to the date of the Public Hearing. When the date is announced, we will report it as soon as possible.

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