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Proposed Parking Garage At 1627-1639 Westheimer Rd.


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This thread was originally created March 17, 2016. I'm reposting / reupping this because this post and other content from me are no longer available on the forum due to a mod removing my account and its content in "error"  (supposedly). The information may be outdated or no longer relevant, but reupping provides an archive to what was posted. It also provides a place to post future updates about this property if and when it's redeveloped  An archive link  of the thread before its deletion is here. 


Possible three-story parking garage to be constructed at 1627-1639 Westheimer. This was discussed at this month's Montrose District meeting:

Parking Garage at 1627-1639 Westheimer

Paul Ankar discussed his plan for an Easy Park parking facility in back of his four owned retail buildings on Westheimer at Mandell. The garage will be fully automated of unique design to be supplied by the Levine Company, Chicago. Paul indicated that he had planned to construct a three-level structure that will accommodate up to 108 cars, but was now considering a one-level, 36 space facility to conserve on the initial capital requirement and to try to avoid objections from the residents living in back of the property. However, several attendees pointed out that the four» plexes in back were occupied by renters who were unlikely to object. (Ray Lawrence confirmed with Paul later by phone that he was likely to go back to his original plan to build a three-story garage which will lower the cost per space. However, a substantially thicker concrete pad will be required to support the structure.)


I hope a three-story garage is pushed. Denser parking spaces are needed in that area for people coming in since there isn't adequate public transportation nearby.


Edited by CrockpotandGravel
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This was originally posted  July 20, 2019 in the previous thread for  1627-1639 Westheimer | 3-Story Parking Garage [Proposed] . It's being reposted / reupped since the original thread and other content from me were removed. 


I'm scrolling through old posts and forgot about this one.

Easy Park really has its hand in a lot of pots around Houston with automated parking garages. There's the one proposed for the Heights, one proposed for their Railway Heights development, and one proposed across from William P. Hobby Airport.

Are there any updates on this?


Edited by CrockpotandGravel
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This was in the previous thread for  1627-1639 Westheimer | 3-Story Parking Garage [Proposed] . It's being reposted / reupped since the original thread and other content from me were removed. 


Originally posted by Luminare, August 11, 2017 in the thread for 1627-1639 Westheimer | 3-Story Parking Garage [Proposed].


On 7/20/2019 at 6:01 AM, CrockpotandGravel said:

I'm scrolling through old posts and forgot about this one.

Easy Park really has its hand in a lot of pots around Houston with automated parking garages. There's the one proposed for the Heights, one proposed for their Railway Heights development, and one proposed across from William P. Hobby Airport.

Are there any updates on this?


Never knew this was a thing. Would be a great spot for something like this though. Image the kind of development activity that could take place if this area could off load their parking into this! Right now it looks like its been shelved or is on hold. The current building at 1627 is being renovated, but have no clue what its being renovated into. 1629 is Lo-Fi Vintage which just recently expanded to cover the entire building. 1637 is Emerson Rose, and they get solid business. 1639 though is vacant and I haven't seen anything in that building since I moved into the neighborhood (summer of 2018). Most of these buildings are owned by one guy. I actually know his son, pretty chill dude. The guy that owns these also operates Pavement, Petty Cash, and others. Seems to be a real true entrepreneur. The guy is constantly changing out different tenants and reworking different things. I can probably ask his son about the garage at some point if this was a thing or still is a thing.


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  • The title was changed to Proposed Parking Garage At 1627-1639 Westheimer Rd.

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