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Lil' Danny Speedo's At 823 Dumble St.

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This thread was originally created February 23, 2017. I'm reposting / reupping this because this post and other content from me are no longer available on the forum due to a mod removing my account and its content in "error"  (supposedly). The information may be outdated or no longer relevant, but reupping provides an archive to what was posted. It also provides a place to post future updates about this property if and when it's redeveloped  An archive link of the thread before its deletion is coming.



Another bar has replaced a previous one at 823 Dumble St in the Second Ward.

Lil’ Danny Speedo’s Go Fly a Kite Lounge is the latest bar from the owners of Grand Prize Bar, Captain Foxheart's Bad News Bar & Spirits Lodge, Sassafras, Big Star Bar, and The Honeymoon.  Lil' Danny Speedo's replaces Invasion Ice House.




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This was originally posted February 23, 2017 in the previous thread for 823 Dumble St. It's being reposted / reupped since the original thread and other content from me were removed. 

More on Lil Danny Speedo's at 823 Dumble St.


From Houston Food Finders:

Brad Moore loves dive bars so much that he keeps opening new ones (maybe so he has a place to go no matter what part of town he’s in). There’s Big Star Bar in The Heights, Grand Prize Bar (opened with business partner Ryan Rouse) in Montrose and Sassafras to the north. Now, Moore, along with business partners Camella Clements and Roy Mata (who has managed both Big Star and Grand Prize) has quietly opened Lil’ Danny Speedo’s Go Fly A Kite Lounge at 823 Dumble on the east end.

The building was constructed in 1958 and was most recently UFO-themed Invasion Ice House. Before that, Moore says it housed Los Amigos, Leon’s Ice House and Dumble Market. “I’ve always wanted an old-fashioned ice house and this one magically appeared,” he said.

More here:



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This was in the previous thread for  in the previous thread for 823 Dumble St. It's being reposted / reupped since the original thread and other content from me were removed. 

Originally posted by adr, March 3,, 2017 in the thread for 823 Dumble St.

HAIFer SIGHTING: That's me in the hat petting the dog in the above photo haha.


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This was in the previous thread for  in the previous thread for 823 Dumble St. It's being reposted / reupped since the original thread and other content from me were removed. 

Originally posted by phillip_white, March 5,, 2017 in the thread for 823 Dumble St.


On 2/23/2017 at 8:06 AM, CrockpotandGravel said:



UFO-themed bar that just happens to have the dog from Men in Black outside?  This is NOT a coincidence!


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This was in the previous thread for  in the previous thread for 823 Dumble St. It's being reposted / reupped since the original thread and other content from me were removed. 

Originally posted by samagon, March 6,, 2017 in the thread for 823 Dumble St.

This is good. It'll be added to my list of places to stop for my bikes and beers rides.



Edited by CrockpotandGravel
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This was in the previous thread for  in the previous thread for 823 Dumble St. It's being reposted / reupped since the original thread and other content from me were removed. 

Originally posted by Evil Developer, April 12,, 2017 in the thread for 823 Dumble St.

they have their full liquor license now!  i confirmed that last night in person.


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  • The title was changed to Lil' Danny Speedo's 823 Dumble St.
  • The title was changed to Lil' Danny Speedo's At 823 Dumble St.

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