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North Main Street Tunnel


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So does anyone know if the North Main Street Tunnel was ever used by Street Cars? I saw a photo of the plaque and noticed that the Houston Electric Co. was listed as being part of the rebuild of the tunnel. They were of course, one of the streetcar operators the city had. However, this could be coincidental as Southern Pacific who owned the land above was listed as well, and it's possible that the streetcar was up there. On the other side, it is odd that it's called a Subway on the plaque.


Google Maps of the location: https://www.google.com/maps/@29.7709408,-95.3590671,3a,46.4y,338.57h,84.62t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sRek_WS4PXKxlEGw_fLWpAA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656


Picture of plaque: https://www.flickr.com/photos/nakrnsm/7058687659/

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I imagine they probably did use the tunnel although I do not know for certain.  I could find no photos or mention of it in Barron's Houston Streetcar book.

That book mentions that the east side streetcars used the (former) Preston Ave Tunnel, eliminating a previous grade crossing with the railroad there.

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The grade of the tunnel certainly suggests its possible, as to it being a "subway" it was the likely longest tunnel/depressed underpass in Houston at the time. Surprised the Preston Avenue one is mentioned, the sharp angles it intersects with the nearby roads and the low clearance suggest no streetcars.

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