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New Idea For "internatinalization" Of Houston...


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I've got an awesome idea for Houston. It ties in the Port of Houston, our International image, and our love of profit.

Why not designate an economic free trade zone near the ship channel where people can shop duty free or manufacture duty free? It could be a sort of new Outlet shopping concept except it'll be new products from around the world. It works for Hong Kong. The only problem with this is that people might stop shopping at the Galleria and Best Buy. Mabybe limit it to less than $1000/year? It would attract a lot of people from the state/out of state into Houston and spend money here.

It may spur some manufacturing jobs also. What do you think?

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Most areas have a free trade zone for manufacturers, even if they're not near a port. I know one New Jersey town that's probably a hundred miles from the nearest international airport or seaport that has a "free trade zone" where some Asian electronics companies have set up shop.

If Houston doesn't have a free trade zone for manufacturers, it should.

As for a retail free trade zone, maybe what they should do is take the old Lord and Taylor at the Galleria and divide into duty-free talls and kiosks. Show a passport and plane ticket and you don't have to pay tax, like in Europe and Japan.

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I was thinking it would be a duty free shop for regular citizens, not travelers. Although, I've also seen those giagantic duty free stores (almost the size of a Sam's) in foreign countries, mostly Asia, and they are packed to the gills with shoppers.

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